That Cynical Ass

You're a moron.

Why is this filed under 'Video' on the main page? I was duped into reading!

Shut up, harrisonMD. Don't tell me how to use my comments.

"You're doing it wrong." That's all I saw when I read this.

Seriously, TLN. I know if I ever have kids I'll get them reading Tolstoy and Shakespeare the moment their underdeveloped appendages can support the weight of a book. I mean, can you believe all those INCOMPETENT JACKASS parents who read their kids drek like Green Eggs and Ham or, even worse, sing them NURSERY RHYMES

I've read the series, it's a pretty good bit of sci-fi (or "light sci-fi" as Roman would derisively say). Starts out fairly small in scale and rapidly escalates. It's easily the darkest YA fiction I've come across, and it's written rather adeptly by Ness. Not sure how the 'Noise' idea will translate to film, though.


I think it was @boring_as_heck that started RT'ing teens who were flabberghasted that Titanic was "based on a true story", namely, the story that the Titanic was real and it sank. The sheer amount of people who didn't know it was real made me weep first with laughter, then with sadness, then with laughter again.

Alt-text for the win.

You're all idiots. The real finale was Pam turning down Jim at the end of season 2.

She's really funny.


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That's a dumb opinion and you are dumb for holding it.

If he turns Casey Jones into an MMA fighter or something I'm going to start full-scale riot.

Jesus why don't they just release 2 at a time and drag it out over the next eight years? Or better yet, release it in 5 minute vignettes between now until the end of eternity. Jackasses.


Calling something both "short-sighted" and "myopic" is pretty recurrently repetitive.

Wow, a whole one person? That oughta do it. Mission accomplished, gang!

Three seasons and a cancellation!