That Cynical Ass

Can someone explain to me why it is that anytime a Republican politician/talk show host is jabbed by someone in the media it's labeled as some conspiratorial liberal bias, but when Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity claim that Democrats are socialist overlords who should be assassinated the only people to

I don't know what the hell kind of restaurants you visit that would prompt you to make that comparison, but I am totally in the next time you go.

They clearly didn't know he'd be paying in Earth Gold.


This is true. I drank a rather copious amount of gin and made a number of rather unfortunate decisions. Luckily hockey season has started so now it's the Flyers's turn to dangle my emotions around for half the year before ripping out my spleen come Spring time. But by that time the Phillies will have started playing

If I understand it correctly, apatheists don't know if there's a god and they don't particularly care one way or the other. Meaning that if god descended through the heavens and proved his existence, apatheists would still shrug and bat nary an eye as they continued drinking Code Red Mountain Dew and playing inFamous

I used to care what you thought…just kidding.

Also, Jesus wasn't real, so that adds a layer of difficulty in accurately quoting him.

You're forgetting the most important point: If you agree to do something as an unpaid intern, don't be pissed off when you aren't paid for the intern-related duties you performed.

Almost made it.

Thanks for the insight. I can now enjoy the show much more, secure in the knowledge that its filming location is "cold a lot" and gets "really humid" from time to time.

I have a feeling that Terra Nova might supplant Heroes as "funniest reviews to read" on TV Club this fall.

You'll never be disappointed.


That's some straight up investigative journalism right there.

@ dead greg: Left.

Tell us more about your deeply uninteresting life, Mike.

How do you do a three page interview with Turturro about the roles he's played and not ONCE mention Rounders? Criminal.

Yeah, because everyone was clamoring for the next Stephanie Meyers novel series.