That Cynical Ass

Leave Reservoir Dogs alone…jerk.

I have a very sexy learning disability…what do I call it, Kif?

That's good, since I have no idea how someone could be figuratively excited with anticipation.


Whatever ends up happening, LOST is amazing television. I still can't believe that I actually find myself looking forward to the following Tuesday on most Fridays, as opposed to the copious amounts of alcohol I'll be consuming over that weekend.

And all of that is assuming that Desmond is "The Package"…this hasn't been confirmed.

Why did Rousseau keep referring to a fucking ship as "The Black Rock"* for an entire season instead of just saying "this ship that is inexplicably in the middle of the island"? Because it's LOST, and misdirection is their game, that's "why". Do you realize how annoying it would have been if, two weeks ago when

A PotW on House had aphasia back in Season 2 or 3 and House diagnosed it over the phone FROM ANOTHER STATE. It was badass.

I realize that it's my own fault for not reading every single person's comment on every single thread, so maybe these ideas have already been floated by someone (and I'm sure they have), but I would still like some feedback:

1986 and filled with all the bitter, misanthropic, jaded viewpoints of at least a 1965.

See? Who says bad things don't happen to bad people?

This is making my Bonnaroo ticket so much sweeter.

"C'mon people, someone here ordered the London Symphony Orchestra…possibly while high…Cypress Hill I'm looking in your direction."
*Huddled conversation*
"Uh, yeah, yeah…we think we did."

Speaking of "Percussion Gun", is it just me or does the laughing at the beginning of that track sound exactly like Brad Pitt laughing during the scene in Fight Club when Lou beats the hell out of him?

Your opinion is different from mine and is, therefore, WRONG.

Don't you see what's happening?! THEY'RE BETTING ON RICHARDS OUT THERE!

If Modell's posts annoy you…don't…read….them? Moron.

If you're talking about sweaters made out of dogs, then I'm in.

Don't let him fool you, this is clearly a failed 69thsies.

I'd like to extend a tip of the hat to "It's A Trap" for recapping the Simmons-Goodman podcast that aired yesterday, quite an excellent job. Wait, what's that you say? He didn't quote his source and passed off the ideas as his own? Wow, what a tool.