
I want that quilt.

The easy fan-wank correction is that there are 1000 bouquets of yellow daisies. 12 to 24 daisies in a bouquet so 12,000-24,000 actual daisies.

This is a reply to Em as me… I actually think the show had a very realistic approach to Rory.  Both Paris and Mitchum are pretty good at calling Rory out on her shit. Paris pointing out her ample amounts of familial and town support. Mitchum pointing out her people pleasing/reserve which makes her unsuited for the

I agree that Luke is not always upfront with his emotions because he has that need to be strong and manly so he bottles things up.

Am I the only person in the world who likes Rachel? She seemed like a cool fun chick… She was independent enough to run her own life and career and not be threatened by Lorelai. Her presence in the show is never infuriating like Nicole or Anna. She doesn't come off as a 2 dimensional. She never blames what's going on

Dean starts out okay and cute… I was on board with their relationship in the beginning. But the show slowly starts referencing his obsessive behavior, hanging out in trees, calling more than twice in a day. This episode I'm okay with because it just seems like a clueless teenage dude who never had to think about

They are always together… and both boy obsessed, but they have pretty different personalities
At the dance Louis tries to flirt with Dean and cause trouble. Madeline genuinely complements Rory's dress.
After the PJ Harvey Tristen crap Louis goes along with Paris in ostracizing Rory… Madeline keeps being nice to her even

um there is a whole story line written in the college years with Paris going to Lorelai for bi-weekly lunches because Rory is off being a DAR darling.

I always fan-wanked that those guys had won the tickets in a radio contest. Had gone just as a bit of a laugh for something to do before their party.