
Capacitors dry out after about thirty years. Potentiometers will wear, creating a "dead spot" if left in one setting and not adjusted. But yeah, it's mostly the parts that see movement like the switch and jacks.

Less a satire then and more a prophecy of the Bush wars?

Picasso once said that art is a lie that reveals the truth. Let's assume contrary to your comment history that you are here to discuss the topic at hand in good faith. What are your thoughts on this episode of Sense8?

I'm guessing you're not here to talk about the fantastic tv show Sense8? Did someone project an outline of a neckbeard onto the night sky?

Alison Brie would make a fantastic Death.

Out here in the colonies, calling someone a twat is about on par with Americans calling someone a "prick".

Space Jam, Scary Movie, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull… Transformers 2, which was probably my breaking point when it came to tent-pole bollocks (I know, I only have myself to blame).

I felt that way about the Virgin Suicides, but Lost in Translation didn't make me feel much of anything.

Almost worth it just as a promotion for the music of Beastwars (RIP).

They crested out on the bluff in the late afternoon sun with their shadows long on the sawgrass and burnt sedge, moving single file and slowly high above the river and with something of its own implacability, pausing and grouping for a moment and going on again strung out in silhouette against the sun and then

The amount of bands occupying the overlap between awesome metal and NS metal is so fucking tiny as to render this problem moot for me.

Clutch circa 2003.

If you want to lump AUS/NZ together, "Antipodean accent" would make more sense.

man… "Into the Void" really shouldn't be a deep cut. Entire subgenres of stoner rock have been excavated from it's individual sections.

He came around on Sabbath eventually.

He did two drum tracks for that.

No, I think there's an illicit thrill there. The same way people can get fascinated by serial killers.

The time I caught Slayer there were middle-aged men weeping in joy at finally getting to see them (we live a bit far off the touring circuit). One of them gave me a hug. There was a lot of really goofy air-guitar going on too…

I think a certain part of Slayer's appeal has always been their walking all the way to that line. That flirtation with darkness. Angel of Death doesn't glorify the holocaust. But it makes the listener feel very powerful, and in that scenario, only the nazis have the power. It's the problematic nature of the song that

Can it be awesome and nazi?