
*herion. I don't think that Coyne is addicted to female heroes.

Kraft and Dell adds
Originally when I saw the Kraft and Dell commercials featuring Flaming Lips songs (The W.A.N.D. I believe) I thought that they had "sold out." But then I realized that the joke is really on those companies. Wayne Coyne's heroine addiction has corporate sponsorship.

deathmonkey -so you are saying that his creationist non-sense ruined his run as a Nixon speech writer, star of ClearEye commercials, and the host of the Ben Stein show? I don't like him either, but I don't really see what there is to ruin since it's all bad to begin with.

AR lawyers
Barry Z or Bob Loblaw?

Gestalt pudding?
The combination of all Jelly Belly Puddings is greater than the sum of its parts. Eh, I still don't want any.

no "Gimme Some Money" either.

It's also the article with the most Beatles references. Coincidence?

Gleeth is currently 2 for 2.

I guess I'm not just referencing that one occurrence Tristiac. Like earlier in the season, Jack had to explain to her the difference between the Others and the DA. She just seems uninformed this season. Kate of seasons one and two was a strong-willed character, flawed, but strong.

Kate is dumb
Ever since season 3, Kate has been more and more illogical and emotional. I think especially since Claire has been gone Kate has replaced her as the incompetent girl.

When you've got ferrets, you've got lots of friends. They're always hangin'
around your door. But when the ferrets are all gone, and the spending ends
they don't come around much anymore.

Mr. Reck, consider it done.

papa chester is proud of IES Dave Chang.