Annie Sisk

Oh hey I can help you out now! Buttercream frosting is THE SHIT, yo. OK so grab 3 cups of confectioners' sugar, and a full cup of butter. (I did not say this was a heart-healthy recipe, 'k.) Blend together well with electric mixer for about 3 minutes or so. Add in one tablespoon of vanilla extract and blend another

Well …. my point was more "we haven't been burned by any of those people personally, sooooo…" But whatever ices your cake.

Great (cynical, tired, disappointed) minds…

Great (cynical, tired, disappointed) minds…

If it was a third offense? It could. This is why those fucking three strikes laws are so inane.

Thank you. Also: "We've been burned" …. what in the WHAT now? Fuck outta here with that shit.

I don't think that's true, though. There's been quite a bit of fleshing out of William. It's not in deep, long monologues or central arcs. It's in quieter moments with other characters, to be sure, but to me, I *know* William.

THAT SONG. Holy crap, y'all. I would iTune the shit out of BOTH versions of that song.

He can't help it, he was raised by white people. (Hooooowled. Tears streaming, to be sure, but still. HOWLED.)

Yeah, sorry, I can't fathom this. Even my friends who (for entirely rational reasons) don't care for the show universally recognize William as eminently worthwhile.

Totally solid point.

Dude, if you didn't know who Wednesday was the first time he said "Call me Wednesday," then … I don't even know what but something biting and cutting. (I ran out of coffee today, OKAY?!)


Excellent point.

Waaaaay too high. Unless we're grading on a curve.

And Alice is a niffin because I refuse to believe that she's literally, actually, for-real, forever dead. That whole plot was the best part of the last book and I really, really want to see it.

Ohhhh, I did. I TOTALLY did.

Seriously. Wipe its ass, lop off its horns, wave a Bic lighter over it and put it on a plate. That's all I ask.

Hmmmm… Recalling Cristin Miliotti's "those 'the mother dies' rumors are SOOOO CRAYCRAY LOLZ" lies, I shall remain skeptical.

Works for me! Casting approved. LET'S MAKE THIS MOSHEN PICKSHUH! (Seriously, I'd pay to see this.)