koko kitty

This feature is making me so happy.

Yeah, you nailed it. Whenever wonderful things are cancelled and / or under-appreciated, it is always because of those 95 percent not getting it. Why does the median TV consumer get so much barf media skewed to him? Hmm..probably because they are a staggering majority. So I guess we hold out hope that masterpieces can

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus Cool, I get what you mean. And I agree that our cultural paradigm of the American dream has been fluid. I think that the portrayal of surrendering one's values in the name of ambition makes great television (and art period) because boredom, desensitization, loneliness,

Oh man Terminator Salvation? Not really watchable. Way worse than T3, and that is saying a lot. I mean listen to yourself. Schwarzenegger said it sucked. We are talking about the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger saying this motion picture was awful.

Thanks Fourth Side. That helped a great deal and I'll admit I hadn't read much because I was trying to avoid spoilers and such, having given up on Sopranos. And very late to the party.

@avclub-0c628df9ea361aceeff1c7f56ea9cbec:disqus Not to be reductionist but in what ways is The Sopranos about the death of America? Keeping in mind I probably didn't give it a fair shake, lost interest in the middle of Season 2. But I always thought it was more about human pathologies and in the early years at least,

Just boss me around and tell me what to watch next. Couldn't commit to the Sopranos, like The Wire, like Mad Men, LOVE LOVE Breaking Bad. So will I like The Shield or what? Just tell me what to watch!

Well I think Nero Padilla is secretly IRA. Real IRA. Because as you can plainly see, Nero Padilla is an anagram for "No Real Plaid."

I don't like his face. I don't like how the lips smile but the eyes burn with righteous indignation.

Oh bless you for saying that, because it was Vonda Shepard who forced me to go from being indifferent to Ally McBeal to hating that show with all of my heart. Seriously, in what universe is the musical inner voice to Calista Flockhart Vonda SHEPARD?

Yeah but if at one end of the man-child spectrum we have Adam Sandler as The Waterboy and Will Farrell / John C. O'Reilly as Step Brothers— and at the other end we have Tom Hanks in Big and Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump, I'm thinking Arnold is at the shady end of the spectrum.

I'm gonna bite my pillow is what I'm gonna do!!


Agree that Bridesmaids is way more substantial than The Hangover. I laughed a lot through both, but Bridesmaids takes it to that next level for comedy due to richer character development and message. To me it's more in a league with Rushmore or Office Space maybe?

I will see your besoulpatched DJ and raise you a guy with dreads and a cowboy hat

This reminds me of that standup of Louis CK (available on Netflix instant by the way) where they get in-flight wireless internet for the first time in history, it has some technical difficulties, and the dude next to Louie is like "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" Louie says something like "We are FLYING THROUGH THE SKY! AGAINST

*Bill Murray taps on the two highest piano keys in a half-step legato

Dead serious, your breadth of knowledge on this astounds me guys. I'm curious — do you:

Wallet inspector I believe you. Why would anybody make that up. And I think as an actress she's for reals and beautiful.

no shit! people like that are so gross. But I still like buffalo 66. And did you want him to tip you for for something? He brought his own tea from home, you didn't do anything!