bucky love

It is NOTHING like Whitest Kids U Know Civil War on drugs. It's the revolutionary war on drugs. See.

You can't guarantee that. There are "The Limits Of Control" to keep in mind.

Even with a win, the raiders surpass the Lions in being the most failed team in the modern era. And I love the raiders. Tough decade….

When those dudes bring the chains out, it is such a, "this game needs to be taken SERIOUSLY!" moment. It reminds me of cyclists that gear up with the tights and superhelmets, etc. which makes me think of someone putting on pads and a helmet to throw the football around in the backyard.

Just be thankful this doesn't start his netflix run.

Bend over and I'll show you.

Everything but the girls

I'll tell you what's offensive. This theory that childbirth is painful…


Not Steve Buscemi?

Traveling Wilburys were in there some too.

Some level of validation is the vast space between the two.

What weirdos do NOT want to see this?

"You'll have to tune in to see what else is up my pant sleeve."

I agree if that is what I call Hydrox which is a mixture of hydrocodone xaxnax and if not then GTFO!

Sure. Yeah Okay. Just do you and no worries pal. I don't mind. Hey, there's a lot of different kind of people in the world.

Why don't you bend over and I'll show you.

You…Why? [fists balls in ragged pain]

I will blame Bob Weir for ruining MMJ's set. They were on a roll and he came out and deflated them.
Wilco just shook him off like an annoying flea.

Brad Pitt and Charlie Hunnam's lovechild