Meat Loaf Redux

@Alurin: It's eating all that fatty goose liver.

@Ciomadre: I completely agree with you about Wakefield. And "normal" is more a matter of society's expectations than an absolute standard.

Yeah — I've only seen the pilot and first four eps of B5, but Ivanovna doesn't seem asexual to me AT ALL.

When TOS first premiered, several of my friends talked up what a great show it was, but I did not get to watch it because we had one TV at my home, and the rest of my family hated SF. After getting my own TV, I watched TOS in reruns, amazed that a show that good could have been cancelled. At least we had the reruns

There is a community of people who were mostly born deaf, and they do think very differently from hearing normal people, or even people who used to have hearing.

"Uh, oh, shorts on the highway!"

Soren was "cured" like Winston Smith at the end of "1984".

Leonard Pierce has been written out of the show…

@OP: That is the problem that the majority of TV viewers have with innovative episodes like Cause and Effect. It has been my experience that a lot of people just use TV as background noise while they cook meals, or read the newspaper, or pay their bills, and get flustered if a show does something that makes them

@Richelieu: Whatever other Americans say, some of us thank you for your assistance in our Revolutionary War, and your brave reistance in WWII. Also your oustanding performance with NATO the last few weeks.

I'd never seen a single episode of B5 before yesterday, when I watched the pilot. I really loved the sets and the look of the show, and if the pilot is the "worst" it gets over five seasons, I think I'm going to have to watch some more. I can already see some interesting actors and plot threads taking shape.

I like Heisler's reviews most of the time on AV Club, but he never really seemed to like anything about Chuck. This reviewer seems to have a better sense of Chuck's strengths and weaknesses.