Col. Roy Campbell

Why are we walking like this?

Well, the poster basically gives that away.

The flashbacks to Hawaii basically explain the events of the first game. Their commander (I don't know ranks) went insane and felt the US should have killed more Russians so he set up the organization to kill a bunch of Russian mobsters. Beard (who you play as in the flashbacks) saves the life of Jacket (the

It is staggering how much (good) music is in this. They all fit each level so perfectly. I don't think I would have enjoyed the prison break, the bank heist, the final Fans level, or the power plant as much without the tunes.

Well, there's never going to be another one. The developers have said that this is it and even ended it in a literal apocalyptic manner.

No thanks, bro!

Joey, have you ever been in a…in an Asgardian prison?

The Justice League Unlimited episode "Ultimatum" is too much for me to watch. Just the idea of your life being a lie and you're going to die in a few months after that is too much for me. And the Ultimen's futile attempt to fight back is excruciating. Although why would you use water against Aquaman? No excuse

My first comment to reach 100 upvotes! And all I had to do was parrot some people who are infinitely funnier than me.

Quick! If everybody types their favorite Foam Corner "jokes" we don't have to feel sad!

Listen, Bono, all we want is four hours of your time, some T-shirts, and bring some college girls, man! That's all!

I think we'd all like to hear what MR. Langdon Alger has to say instead!! Let him speak for once!!

I got this game from a friend's second copy and I liked it well enough (enough to beat it in one day) buuut….there are some things that just bug me too much. The voice acting is all over the place. The old lady's audio quality was especially poor; I could practically hear the room she was in when she was speaking.


I think anything anybody does in the 7th grade is best left lost to the ages.

Gobot for sale! Gobot for sale!

It sounds plausible that Ringo could have redone the ending but looking online and listening to the isolated drum track, it doesn't sound quite like Ringo. There are some similarities: Paul is also left handed so the fills start weird and Paul could surely try to imitate Ringo after so many years together. But it's

Ah, you're right. I always forget that Ringo left the band for a little bit during the White Album. It was less dramatic than Paul and John fighting so it doesn't stick out as much.

I would say my favorite Ringo moment is either the breakdown at the end of "Dear Prudence" or "Hello, Goodbye." "Rain" is fantastic though so it's a very close race.

Fewer still even think to ask the Question.