
This is such an awesome list that I'm suddenly nervous again. There's little chance J.J. Abrams thought of all of these, yet they are so important.

Audio levels a bit low.

Whew! The pretentious vocab in this article is rough. I'll check out his podcast because I have a lot of goodwill toward him since the good old Whose Line Is It days.

Yep, but the tragedy is that the male models got all the heat, not the label.

Now I don't feel so bad about stealing the movies… oh who am I kidding? I'll watch this in the theater this Friday.

Innocent until proven guilty.

He's too powerful and mutants that are too powerful are conveniently removed when the whole script could be solved with teleportation.

There's something wrong with the control that Apple is exercising for no good reason. If it isn't a malicious app then allow it.

At least Erik Adams wears a tie. O'Neal is a Senior Editor, the spiritual leader of dozens of AVClub staff members. He should look the part.


And now he doesn't have any adamantium claws

You're not my real dad.

All that security undone by belt buckles, ha!

"I think I'm bi."
"I don't care."
"Or maybe I'm just gay?"
"No seriously, I don't give a fuck."

What was that? We need total concentwation. Now. Twy again.

Ya I know, but why is it so obvious? I think it's because the hairline is ultra precise and an ultra sharp transition to 100% density of hair. Holy hair! You can't see into it even 1mm.

Robin Hood needs to be like a superhero with a bow and amazing accuracy, like he never misses anything that he shoots at no matter how far away or difficult the circumstance. He doesn't even have to spend time aiming! He should also have an unlimited supply of arrows. High tech gothic looking arrows with cruel blades.

I would vote for this guy if he gets momentum. Wamentum. Flomentum.

No, don't. You're not a kid anymore. You could hurt yourself.

As dorky as these white people are they look like they're having way more fun than I do when I smoke. Even a small amount puts me to sleep like a very strong sedative.