
Excellent review.

Nein! Dummkopf!

It's at 1.9 million right now. Damn.

Really? What's with this dude Chuck and naughty bits?

He's very strapped in. People skydive all the time and that's more risky than what Cruise did there. No one writes articles about them. Maybe if they were celebrities?

Ron Jeremy in the reading audience for Super Karate Monkey Death Car. That dude pops up everywhere—uh, he inserts himself into shows—no. He's super prolific…forget it.

Gaye's children are on a Holy Crusade, or they're broke, or they're mean, or all of the above.

Way too much money went into making this and it doesn't look like a vacation at all. Don't stray from your formula Adam Sandler!

Apple is already hijacking entire episodes of shows and turning them into prolonged commercials for Apple products. Streaming Apple TV to Apple devices is the next logical step, if only they could get an exclusive deal, like you can only watch Modern Family on an Apple device. They have so much money why don't they

I sentence the constitution to death by revision

Standard procedure is to kill him then sprinkle some crack on his body.

He was about to get away with murder but then he got high.

Nothing so bad that I gave up on the game. If it's good enough of a game for me to play it long enough to find such a bug, I will happily replay it. All other games I get sick of so quick I never play them in the first place. If you're a game reviewer then that sucks. That's why you get paid the big bucks.

Anything John Teti does is great

+10 for use of quotidian, when any number of non pretentious words would have sufficed.

I'm shocked the interview excerpts aren't on the exact same topics as all the other interviews he's ever given. I'm sorry if I sound sarcastic. It's a speech impediment.

This really crushed the last drop out of the subject. I was half expecting the expert witness to get bored and end the interview early. "Yep, like I said, we write questions…"

Films made my corporate spreadsheets! Tie in that merchandise! Can we get Apple to place a device everywhere? Comic books are still hot right? Captain America bashing ghosts with his ghost shield!

So now there's going to be like 3 little Daily Show's sprinkled across the networks? Oliver, Wilmore, Bee … all of them riffing on the latest news.

"to adapt a Heinlein novel" == the first mistake made in this project