
I wasn't too surprised that AD did an episode like this - AD often opens up the KINDS of stories they tell, and how they tell them. Still, I enjoyed it a lot, and eagerly await for the Youtube clip of the song sequence.

My theory? HR "tip" was indeed an excuse to get Carter to the house so she could be killed, but the guy with the gun and who was shot was a fluke - but not quite. I think the Machine set it up, somehow manipulating data to put an actual gun-totting criminal at the scene. HR quickly covered it up and made it look like

I bet Bear could fix the machine himself.

Teti and I kinda got into it over at Gameological when I expressed my general disappointment and disagreement over the AVClub moving its video game coverage to a new, different site instead of improving the game coverage directly on the AVClub itself.

I should clarify.

This is one of those things that is just utterly stupid all around, no matter how you look at it.

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus You misspelled Rainbow Dash.

I kinda think that's what Boston Public was going for, even though it ended up being David E. Kelley's usual emotional and ridiculously over-dramatic tripe. It had its moments, though.

I think a really good FOC would be about how the rise of the online film/TV revolution that heralded original voices and creators seem to have been overcome by the return to the celebrities/executives control, to the detriment of both industries.

Generally speaking Lazytown is creepy as fuck, but the music on the show is top-notch, better than songs on a children's TV show has any right to be.

@Nissl:disqus That's cool - I know a lot of people disagreed with my assessment. I think meanness might not be the right word - more like "out of character in awkwardly negative ways". It's particularly striking if you pay attention to Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who were my favorites, so of course I noticed it more when

@avclub-72085404bc24959bbd79392bc8ad27d0:disqus  It's funny you mentioned that. According to the Wiki on the creator of Gumball (http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…, he originally envisioned it as an Adult Swim show (RS and AT were -kinda- meant to be Adult Swim shows as well, but more like shows to be part of older-skewed

@Nissl:disqus Heh, I wrote an extremely long diatribe on the third season of MLP on my blog. I'll link it if you're curious.

This is gonna sound weird, but it's The Amazing World of Gumball. Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Gravity Falls bounce around in the 4, 5, and 6 spots.

I think this is one of those threads where people are confusing character design, art direction, and animation.

I glanced at it before it was pulled (or, rather, read a site that pulled out choice moments from it) and it was just silly and obsessed with Casey Jones. I wasn't even sure it was a TMNT movie.

Audiences get this weird vibe with cartoons that the medium (animation is NOT a genre) seem to be unable to shake.

I rewatched that line-reading at LEAST five times and laughed every time. How long do you think the people during the recording session were cracking up?

Embarrassing story: I was making out with my ex YEARS ago, while a kinda lame episode of South Park was on. I forget which episode… I think it was the one with the kids pretending to be cops… but there was a scene towards the end where all the corrupt cops starting double crossing and killing each other. The last cop

Good point. It definitely has a mid-90s "rise of the stylized animation" appeal, and that might be why I was kinda okay with it. I'm probably gonna watch the next episode to see if anything improves, but probably nothing beyond that.