
The other thing is that networks already tried variety TV shows in the early 00's, and they didn't work out at all. It's a wonky format, and would need to really BE something, but networks, with their tendencies to play things safe, would never allow it, no matter the personality.

Yeah, that's a good point. Like, the script/idea could have EASILY been an episode of Fairly Oddparents or The Looney Tunes Show (and it kinda was, for the latter at least). But since Bob's Burgers is more grounded, the wacky elements didn't shine through. The pacing and energy was there, but I feel like something

I was -okay- with this episode. It seems kinda bold, like it was a Saturday morning cartoon script made into an episode of Bob's Burger, which is a really interesting direction. It didn't quite nail the landing, but another go at something heavily ridiculous might work.

Well, she did try to weasel Art out of it, with the whole "Paul and I are breaking up - joint custody account" thing. So she was trying to play some kind of angle, begging in the guise of a destroyed relationship.

This is like something out of a Stephen Colbert bit.

That's pretty much the gist of the argument, definitely, although I kinda get the "complicated" complaint, if only because Moffat's run is entering Lost levels of complications - not answering/asking relevant questions, mysterious too expansive to answer legitimately, dropped concepts that everyone pretends never

Yep. It's silly and goofy, which is why I'm confused out when people take it too seriously. It's supposed to be over-the-top (well, not Tinkerbell Jesus over-the-top, but I'll accept blowjob-giving sidewalk-slabs).

I love how The Killing promos keep emphasizing a NEW CASE. Hopefully it's the case of how The Killing made it to a third season.

Yeah, I have a ton of 'toons in my experience - Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, Talespin, Futurama, Dexter's Lab, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and tons more. - so I've kinda seen the run of the mill of them. Darkwing Duck and Talespin play it "serious," the other ones kinda made it a joke.

Dude, I know. Like, I hate myself for not growing into it yet.

I can't deny that. In recent example, the only one off hand I can remember is in the Looney Tunes show, Daffy (Joe Alaskey) impersonates Tina (Jennifer Esposito), and Alaskey NAILS her "New-York-with-a-lisp" accent, that kinda makes the show passable. Other times, though, they tend to be cute, but nothing note-worthy.

"For those fifteen glorious seconds, Gravity Falls isn’t an
animated comedy. It’s full-fledged psychological horror, and the
sequence conveys just how world-destroying it would be to suddenly fine
oneself in another person’s body."

I have my doubts about that. Schaal and Ritter are talented and are perfectly cast (well, personally, I'm STILL not sold on Ritter), but the idea of them impersonating each other might be out of their range. Ritter would do the false stiletto while Schaal would just do a deep voice, I think, which would leave the

When security was going after the homing beacon, I was like, "Please be Bear." So happy it was.

Part of me thinks that the scripts are literally written vaguely, which would explain some of these moments. Like, the script JUST said "Carl shoots a guy with ambiguous intentions" and they had to figure out the details on set. It would explain the magic-appearing zombies, too. Writing, "Andrea leans on a tree.

You know what would be kinda cool, in a very-insane kind of way? If there was a company that adapted first drafts of screenplays into movies or comics. We'd really see how crazy some of these writers are. Apparently the original draft for Alien was a fucking doozy.

I agree. Say what you will about RTD and Tennant, but they often put the Doctor in a position where he genuinely did not know what the fuck to do. Smith is great but the whole "six steps ahead of you" thing is frustrating because it lacks any tension - he's always right and the episode is ultimately waiting to

@avclub-2a5866203b479586ecc9183837a2d3e0:disqus  Pretty much this. I thought the "Utopia" reveal as the Professor dude actually being the Master hidden in the same (admittedly ridiculous) stopwatch thingy from "Human Nature/Family of Blood" was fucking brilliant, and a great way to showcase the existence of another

Heh, that's probably where you and me differ, as I have a huge aversion to the aimless/nonsensical comedies of the 70s and 80s. And Car Wash hit on every button that I loathe about them.

You have a point, although Car Wash is definitely no Office Space. And it seemed as if they still enjoyed it, even in their 50s/60s.