
Totally watching TaleSpin now as well. It's really great, although it tends to have more weaker episodes then I remember. Still, Don Karnage is one of the best characters ever created in ANYTHING. He's hilarious, vain, and is actually a very competent villain - he just works with a lot of morons.

Scrooge is less of a dick then the comics, yes, but he's definitely quite a dick in the show. There's a moment where his nephews mention they're selling soda for ten cents each, and Scrooge says "Well, then buy one," but only gives them ten cents. When Louie laments, "Let me guess… three straws?" Scrooge laughs and

Oh, man, that scene in context is freaking hilarious. Only thing is you can tell they only relooped one of Young's line-readings for it.

It's seriously is implied that a lot of Scrooge wealth came from hiring REALLY terrible and cheap people to do difficult work. Launchpad worked for, I believe, ten cents a week or something.

That wasn't the movie - that was an episode; the specific name escapes me though.

It's a recurring gag almost every time Donald shows up. But they never over do it.

Somehow Webby avoids being that "annoying" character, although in some episodes she comes very close to being so.

It's a creepy episode, and Tress MacNeille is awesome in it as the Circe villain. She does this thing where she transitions from an sweet, sexy voice into an evil one in one sentence, and it's fantastic. Overall it's a weird episode, and it adds to the creepiness.

Thanks so much for the shout out again, Todd!

It is quite a great movie. The animation is a bit unrefined but somehow it WORKS for the movie than against it. Ducktales isn't as stringently cartoony as Animaniacs, but there's plenty of strong visual gags that work very well. Also, Christopher Lloyd voices the villain, which is always awesome.

The Bubba episodes are surprisingly better than expected, albeit not as great as the pre-Bubba stuff. Bubba himself isn't a strong character, but the 5-part premiere does a lot of great work with Scrooge's character, in relation to Bubba.

I was sort of hoping the review would just say:

I think my issue with the farmer commercial was that it played into that "middle America is REAL America" BS that assaults every shitty romantic comedy or drama. I wish no ill-will to farmers or farmwork, but it's a cliche/trope that bothers me to no end.

I always thought it was weird that everyone hates Joe Buck (and he is shitty) when here's CBS's crew dropping in like an atomic bomb of blandness.

I've been finding the whole thing with business and people blaming Obama/Obamacare/Kenya for layoffs, lack of bonuses, not tipping, and worst of all, the non-end of Twinkies, disgusting and low in a way I've never seen before. I'm not a history buff, but has this ever happened before in the past in such large scale

13 Pieces of Magical Bling = 13 Treasures of Rule?

I like the idea of having to own Adobe Photoshop to rate movies.

Bubblevicious is my personal favorite.

We joke, but if the "personal secret" is that he puts on a hockey mask at night and fights crime, it'll make The Killing all worth it in the end.

Insane quote from Farrelly in today's Metro: