
I guess that's my real beef - there's so much more terribleness in football (Joe Buck, "Moose," the facepalming annoyance of female sideline reporters [although it's not their fault], everything that is ESPN) that I kinda would prefer watching Cletus dancing in the corner if I could get silence in return.

It seemed to me that Pete was aiming for his own "girl on the side" and was pretty annoyed he couldn't get one. Don had one (well, several), Roger has several, and even that asshole friend of his on the train has one. So now, once again, his manhood is threatened, and he sees an innocent needy housewife… and she

I never got the hate for him. I mean, sure, he's kinda annoying, but he's a ten-second spot. Just ignore him and focus on, you know, football.

Straight here, but Princess Peach (Toadstool) is genuinely a badass - but what makes her so great is how she hides it. She seems prissy and girly in Golf and the Kart games, but if you see her in the RPGs, especially the DS/Game Boy games… holy shit she's AWESOME. And if, IF, you catch her in the old school comics,

True. But it's an association thing. Audiences would connect puking to noodles, regardless of the place.

I actually laughed that he dropped that line after Bolin puked. You announced the product AFTER everyone witnessed someone throwing it up!?

It's funny, but cartoons do the "drunk on non-alcohol" bit ALL the time. Candy, ice cream, milk, even wood!

Pretty much this. I often feel like I'm the only one who much prefers Bolin/Korra than Mako/Korra. Bolin is handsome, athletic, a bit of a goofball but genuine (and genuinely funny), and his personality is a damn-near perfect match to Korra. The only reason to even think Mako and Korra should be together is that the

@avclub-9878edc5b56468b6f7af26f42ae2cd5b:disqus Yeah, we should. And to be fair, a good amount of the criticism is at the networks and advertisers, but it's also at the critics who seem to ignore it as a legit issue. I'll admit it is unfortunate that Dunham gets the blame (although, I don't think it's so much her as

Well, not kids per se, but families. Something for everyone to enjoy. And, hey, that's okay.

Hi, @Gjetostbuster:disqus !

Cars isn't weak because it's an exclusive kids film, it's weak because it's just not too terribly exciting (weak voice acting, cliche plot, non-memorable characters). I'm not sure why people shit on Pixar because they decided to work on kids stuff for one of their MANY several awesome movies. In fact, I'm not sure why

This is why I shouldn't be in advertising.

I won't be saying this to his face but the HULK basically makes the same mistakes and assumptions that Noel made. The criticism isn't at Girls per se, but what it represents in this day and age. The problem isn't that it's a "white, female show." It's that its YET ANOTHER "white, female show". It sucks that Dunham's

Considering zombies is all the rage among 18-30 year-olds, yeah, that's clearly the stronger concept. I think the issue was (according to the review) is that it had nothing to do with the actual Subway food. Which is easy to fix - just show them eating the sandwich and "curing" them. In short - it's a good idea that

I kinda thought the film's failure came from a bit of "Girls" fallout - once again, we're watching white people suffer through their white people problems, only this time their adults and they curse more, and… well, no one cares. The ads are as generic as any rom-com in this era, so that couldn't be the issue.

It's good to know that Jesus was only trying to get the fishes and loaves account.

@The_Tuna:disqus and @avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus

I watched with captioning, and it said the guy said "Puss" not "Pussy" which, I guess, is how you get away with it?

The problem with OWS is that it reflected a huge misunderstanding of successful civil rights movements in the past. MLK's Civil Rights Movement wasn't just a bunch of black people protesting at the right time. The whole thing was a tightly-run, hierarchical organization.