
@avclub-e053e4f47a7ccbc51be254596e483d7c:disqus , if I only knew now what I knew then. I'm not the least bit concerned with what Dartmouth grads or students think of me or my opinions. They can, to put it as kindly as possible, kiss the blackest side of my ass.

Yeah, an animation cartoon non-FOX block of reviews would be amazing. This and Regular Show, definitely. I think a cursory glance at Transformers: Prime and the new GI Joe would be good. I would suggest Kung Fu Panda, but I'm not sure if it's trying to surpass is basic childish tendencies yet. Some episodes are

Yeah, YeeYee's issue is with the models more than the animation. The animation is fine, even great at some times. The models are simple and goofy, which works for the show, but aren't paradigms of form.

Dartmouth grad here, and while most of the RS article is clearly exaggerated (mostly the over-the-top hazing), the idea of Dartmouth "molding you into your image - or else!" is pretty spot on, although not as sinister sounding.

Easter Yeggs is flat out my favorite Bugs Bunny short of all time. It's one of the rare cartoons where you can see Bugs go through full range of emotions, beyond his snarky/clever one - he's angry, scared, happy, etc., all in 7 minutes!

Didn't the filmmakers and the actors come out after Clash and admit it sucked, and promised the second would be better?

To be fair, Seth does want to pack it in, FOX won't let him because of the ratings.

"Where do you know Kevin?"

In fact, the plot to this movie is, basically, the plot to God of War 3. Also, 2/3 are the same exact battles that you fight in the game.

Really great point. Here in NJ there was a brewing… I wouldn't say gang war, but there was increasing violence between the middle school of two nearby towns. So during a budget year they decided to actually combine the schools into one. Most people thought this was an awful idea - putting two combating groups into one

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus  - just googled that, and nothing popped up? His Wiki page didn't mention any book called Unico.

I thought he would, sans fart noises. I essentially was watching a man who clearly needs help rant and rave on stage, and everyone was just laughing. It was surreal indeed.

Damn, those days. Do they still hand out Newberry Awards? I remember Number the Stars pretty closely. And How to Eat Fried Worms is pretty dark, from what I can remember.

This is the best thread.


I always post this when Gallagher pops up - not really pimping my blog, but I did see the guy live after the AVClub interview and, holy shit, he's as awful as the interview implied:

For such a big secret, mostly everyone except Sterling and Joan knows (and even Joan probably knows something's up).

I cannot say Ken Cosgrove, Accounts, without saying Accounts after Ken Cosgrove, Accounts.

It's funny, because Pete isn't progressive because he believes in the social changes, it's because he knows he and the firm could make money off it.

The episode entitled "Thank You" should win an Emmy.