Captain Planet

I give up. It's too hard being ironically clever, or maybe it's just clever.

That hurt my soul. But to make it relevant, she probably likes this song.

1st and stuff

I didn't get the this-is-going-to-be-a-masterpiece feeling, but I did get the wow this could be pretty cool in a schlocky sort of way. Like deranged Rambo meets Dirty Dozen meets something else and then pumped through the Tarantino Stylizer.

Taken 2

Replace a friend's girlfriend's name (i.e. Ashley) with something like Skeet Monkey. Then make sure that friend is really oblivious and plays the piano at a church on the weekends and sends the guitarist an email about band practice. Inevitably, friend mentions girlfriend.

Replace a friend's girlfriend's name (i.e. Ashley) with something like Skeet Monkey. Then make sure that friend is really oblivious and plays the piano at a church on the weekends and sends the guitarist an email about band practice. Inevitably, friend mentions girlfriend.

Ah, Redwall. At first I picked them up because of the 32 AR points, but then I kept picking them up because they were so awesome. Towards the end the story structures kind of got reused, but whatever. After 10 or 12 or however many he wrote, I suppose you run out of ideas.

John Donne. But I could be missing something.

Darkplace, was that shown on AdultSwim a while back? And was it supposed to be horror? Or was that just a spoof and I confused it with this thing? Please, internet, answer me.