Bertolt Blech

I've been forced to watch the Great Gatsby trailer about 11 times now, and the [SPOILER IF YOU SKIPPED JUNIOR ENGLISH] hit and run is in it. Of course, those who have read the book already know, and those who haven't don't know enough to care.

Thank you! I recognized Aileen's squirmy little face and was very confused when I read the review.

Ooh, yeah. We need a Robert Downey Jr. in Natural Born Killers character on the show to offer more snarky, heavy-handed meta-commentary, then get slaughtered grotesquely after he infiltrates the murder cult for the scoop of the century. All clichés, but at least it would address the media issue and give us a victim we

Agreed. I avoided the first several episodes because I thought it would make me queasy, but instead it's the best thing since "American Horror Story." It's like they noticed the success of the Twilight movies and thought, "Well, this is totally fucked up; kids think vampires who impregnate you with killer babies are

I enjoyed the visuals, but the rest was a C-minus at best. The prologue was indeed the best part, but after that it just fell apart into a series of poorly connected setpieces with messages about believing in yourself tacked on.

I think it's the Alice in Wonderland factor. Plus, Oz makes the average adult moviegoer feel smart, because they remember the original film (or perhaps even books) and can recognize the references. Everybody becomes a cultural critic in their own minds.

I'd be fine with the twist if they had explored the roots of Emily's murderousness a little better. Is resentment at having your nice things taken away plus greed really adequate motivation for murder, especially given that her meathead hubby was promising to return her to her former standard of living? Was she just a

I loved Redmayne's singing, and he almost made me like Marius for a second. But he's a pretty boring character, and the "go back to being rich now" thing is true to the novel as I remember it (it's been a while). For Hugo, the rebellious phase is necessary rather than "yucky," because it enables someone like Marius to

I loved Redmayne's singing, and he almost made me like Marius for a second. But he's a pretty boring character, and the "go back to being rich now" thing is true to the novel as I remember it (it's been a while). For Hugo, the rebellious phase is necessary rather than "yucky," because it enables someone like Marius to

I haven't seen the musical and am confused; how is "Beggars at the Feast" used there? The irony didn't seem out of place to me. I certainly didn't want to see the Thénardiers definitively defeated or redeemed; I don't remember anything like that in the book.

I haven't seen the musical and am confused; how is "Beggars at the Feast" used there? The irony didn't seem out of place to me. I certainly didn't want to see the Thénardiers definitively defeated or redeemed; I don't remember anything like that in the book.

Yes, there are spoilers for the Lost finale. Maud Apatow bemoans the big reveal and everyone sits around her iPad and cries. Probably other spoilers I've forgotten.

Yes, there are spoilers for the Lost finale. Maud Apatow bemoans the big reveal and everyone sits around her iPad and cries. Probably other spoilers I've forgotten.

I like listening to the LotR audiobooks on long highway trips. I liked The Hobbit as a kid. I've finally admitted to myself that The Return of the King bored me and I have no interest in seeing this, except out of curiosity about 48 fps.

I like listening to the LotR audiobooks on long highway trips. I liked The Hobbit as a kid. I've finally admitted to myself that The Return of the King bored me and I have no interest in seeing this, except out of curiosity about 48 fps.

The trailer is more annoying than the movie. But the movie is a bit of a slog, as it has little structure and too many wacky supporting characters. It's the most Apatow-ish Apatow movie I've seen.

The trailer is more annoying than the movie. But the movie is a bit of a slog, as it has little structure and too many wacky supporting characters. It's the most Apatow-ish Apatow movie I've seen.

The film was based on the story of a Spanish family, so using white actors to portray them makes sense. Using extremely blond actors with British/Scottish/Australian accents, not so much.

The film was based on the story of a Spanish family, so using white actors to portray them makes sense. Using extremely blond actors with British/Scottish/Australian accents, not so much.

Thought it started great, then trailed off into nothingness and irrelevance.