Bertolt Blech

Thought it started great, then trailed off into nothingness and irrelevance.

Definitely one of the most memorable of the year, even though I was semi-spoiled by various reviews for the er, shift at the end.

Definitely one of the most memorable of the year, even though I was semi-spoiled by various reviews for the er, shift at the end.

That's about how I felt. Didn't hate it, respected it, but didn't love it. People have told me that if I loved There Will Be Blood (I did), I can't possibly not love The Master. So maybe it's a personal thing: I found Daniel Plainview more compelling than Phoenix's character, which could have led me to think his arc

That's about how I felt. Didn't hate it, respected it, but didn't love it. People have told me that if I loved There Will Be Blood (I did), I can't possibly not love The Master. So maybe it's a personal thing: I found Daniel Plainview more compelling than Phoenix's character, which could have led me to think his arc

Yeah, I liked SLP better than This is 40 (which was OK). Of course, this could have something to do with me not having kids and not being able to relate. And being somewhat crazy.

Yeah, I liked SLP better than This is 40 (which was OK). Of course, this could have something to do with me not having kids and not being able to relate. And being somewhat crazy.

This sounds way better than most of the academic roundtables on pop culture I've attended, in that the profs seem to have been frank about their fascination and frustration with Perry — their emotional investment in the subject, in other words — rather than just slathering it in jargon and forcing it into the

This sounds way better than most of the academic roundtables on pop culture I've attended, in that the profs seem to have been frank about their fascination and frustration with Perry — their emotional investment in the subject, in other words — rather than just slathering it in jargon and forcing it into the

Low Cinemascores can be a recommendation. They just mean the audience got something they didn't expect, i.e. something weird I might be interested in (Drive). Movies that market directly to their true niche, like Pitch Perfect, get high Cinemascores.

Low Cinemascores can be a recommendation. They just mean the audience got something they didn't expect, i.e. something weird I might be interested in (Drive). Movies that market directly to their true niche, like Pitch Perfect, get high Cinemascores.

Bradley Cooper has started redeeming himself with Silver Linings Playbook. One of the best modern romantic comedies I've seen (admittedly that's not saying a lot) with some pretty intense dramatic bits he didn't mess up. Not Best Actor material, but solid.

Bradley Cooper has started redeeming himself with Silver Linings Playbook. One of the best modern romantic comedies I've seen (admittedly that's not saying a lot) with some pretty intense dramatic bits he didn't mess up. Not Best Actor material, but solid.

I'm so glad I managed to see this. Even our local arthouse, the one that usually takes risks, says it's too weird for them. Think it left Montreal within a few weeks of opening, and they're cosmopolitan and Francophone.

I'm so glad I managed to see this. Even our local arthouse, the one that usually takes risks, says it's too weird for them. Think it left Montreal within a few weeks of opening, and they're cosmopolitan and Francophone.

Did anybody else see FDR: American Badass!? That has the Roosevelt hand-job (and every other conceivable -job) thing covered. If only they'd had Bill Murray (and not made a shitty movie that's only fun as a concept).

Did anybody else see FDR: American Badass!? That has the Roosevelt hand-job (and every other conceivable -job) thing covered. If only they'd had Bill Murray (and not made a shitty movie that's only fun as a concept).

I don't believe in souls, period, and I'm inclined to agree with Werner Herzog in Grizzly Man when he looks into a bear's eyes and sees nothing but savagery, but those two moments still totally got me. Great acting, great CGI.

I don't believe in souls, period, and I'm inclined to agree with Werner Herzog in Grizzly Man when he looks into a bear's eyes and sees nothing but savagery, but those two moments still totally got me. Great acting, great CGI.

Only saw the movie, but that's how I interpreted it. It's one thing to say that sometimes lies are better than truth, and we need lies/fictions to survive. It's another thing to say lies are true. In my mind, once you've admitted that faith might be a beautiful lie, you are halfway to being an atheist who appreciates