The One on the Left

It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember liking "Killing Zoe."

Guys, guys, guys, everyone relax. All this fighting is distracting is from our true enemy, golf. We're playing right into their hands.

Agreed, look at Charles Manson, he was seen as this charismatic leader and had he been executed shortly after his conviction that'd be how he'd be remembered. However he's still rotting in prison and every few years he's interviewed and we see him for the lunatic he is.

What if the Brit in question is gay and I identify him as such? Does that mean I am no longer American?

Throws down chain in defeat

I'm doing something similar but mostly focusing on Blu-rays. This is what I have so far if anyone cares:

Bart Simpson toppless.

Bart Simpson toppless.

On a repeat viewing I realized that there are no old people in this movie, leading me to think that the average lifespan has decreased because of accidents and unhealthy lifestyles. Is that the sort of thing you're talking about?

On a repeat viewing I realized that there are no old people in this movie, leading me to think that the average lifespan has decreased because of accidents and unhealthy lifestyles. Is that the sort of thing you're talking about?

You joke, but I have a video of Richard Kern photo sessions featuring original music by Thurston Moore.

You joke, but I have a video of Richard Kern photo sessions featuring original music by Thurston Moore.

Nine times out of ten, when I see a Mohawk it's attached to a fat eight year old boy.

Nine times out of ten, when I see a Mohawk it's attached to a fat eight year old boy.



I'm two girls.

I'm two girls.

I'm tempted to counter with "Stargate" but I'm not that confident I'm right.

I'm tempted to counter with "Stargate" but I'm not that confident I'm right.