
I'm really surprised that most people liked A Christmas Carol, because I thought it was a waffly mess that more or less accidentally stumbled into a semi-affecting ending.

let's get together and bake donna-hatred-themed cakes

I haven't posted here in years, but logged in today just to say:
Rose is my #1 by miles, I hated Amy/Rory (and River and 11) with such a ferocious passion I stopped watching Doctor Who
after twelve years of dedicated fandom, Donna was boring as hell, and I
liked Martha as a character but thought she got short shrift.

fringey fringe fringe
Now I have a reason to put off my planned suicide until AFTER the 2012 apocalypse!

The second season is my favorite, and has my favorite episodes—a couple of them are actually "holiday classics" in my family; my mom and I watch "The Curse of Frank Black" every Halloween and "Midnight of the Century" every Christmas. They're similar in theme and structure (both are about ghosts and the Black family,