Rufus Wainwright, Johnny McGovern, "the kind of guy that'll melt Rosie's big, dyke-y heart"….
Rufus Wainwright, Johnny McGovern, "the kind of guy that'll melt Rosie's big, dyke-y heart"….
re: hair-gel
Hey! Those Gotti-douchebag boys use more hair-gel than all the lesbians in the world, combined!
Why is Henry the VIII(th, for those NOT well-versed in history) THIN and YOUNG?! "I'm the King of England!!!!" - I don't care, you still were fat and a pervert!
Love Golden Skans
The song is great, and the video is hot (not in the Paris "That's Hot" Hilton style, though…. in the naked men sense.)
On a side-note:
How much do we HATE the "Prouder-Schlouer" commercial for Target?!
RE: Claire Danes
Fabulous then, fabulous now, fabulous forever.