Good Enough

First time I've heard of this show.

Tom Waits for no man.

This IS a Ke$ha video!

David Bowie - rock slinger.

*fondles 80's playmates*

I'm not a complete idiot.  For one, I can recognize that Billy Joel is more talented than the Boss.

Also, the first few bad guys are gringos…

Bon Jovi has always been unapologetically New Jersey, despite the fact that they may have made more money in the 80's if they acted like they were from LA (I'm looking at YOU, Poison…)

…and yet he felt the need to MOVE HIS ENTIRE BAND TO CHICAGO in an attempt to break into the music biz, because how could you do that in the vicinity of NJ?

How many parsecs is she, again?

I'm pretty sure "lunch" is a Milky Way thing…

*grabs crotch containing iPhone with Jersey Shore cued up*

Pesci's up to 4'10"…

I got yer complaints right here!

"Don" isn't his name - it's his title…

Confidential to New Jersey: Springsteen spent two decades pretending like he was from middle America and only begrudgingly embraced NJ years after his prime.  Quit lionizing the guy - he wishes he was from Indiana or Chicago or Nebraska.

Like the ones where they sometimes beat black guys at boxing?


I firmly believe if you combined all of the Wayans funny and distilled it down into one stand up comedian, he'd be the black Louie CK.  Oh wait - that guy exists and is called "Chris Rock."  And nobody "cracks" a joke like "Rock."

Get used to it…