blackmoon eleven

… whocret whatpire?

This book has been good stuff from the start, but it's getting great now that Pizza Dog is back. (Along with the, y'know, emotional conflict regarding father issues and stuff.)

That's unfair.

Hearing that there was a Gravedigger in Hamlet led me to vastly overestimate how much I'd enjoy the play.

What a time to be alive.

Or a murder mystery/film noir pastiche involving a massive intercompany crossover that depicts cartoon characters as exploited second-class citizens.

They mean that whenever someone asks me what House I am and I answer, "Davion—I've always liked the Blackjack (specifically the BJ2 variant with lostech modifications)," they get mad at me. Sorry, I like giant robots better than phantom deer and haunted bathrobes that suck out your soul.

You know, scratch my last paragraph. The rodeo clown dig is a solid put down, but "I like to talk, too" is really the crucial line for Terry as a character—realizing that he doesn't have to be a carbon copy of Bruce, that he has his own strengths and skills and that those qualities, his qualities, are the key to

By "favorite" you meant "list of several options," right? Right.

And what if the hurricane is named Hurricane Batman?!

Hiveworks has Brianne Drouhard's Harpy Gee, but I mostly go straight to the comic-specific site for that one. The only other webcomic I read is kind of a cheat, but I'll recommend it anyway (in the same way I'd recommend breathing)—Atomic Robo is great and everyone should read it.

… it's not even my favorite song from Streets of Fire.

Tormund Giantsbane, Tall-Talker, Horn-blower, Breaker of Ice, also styled Tormund Thunderfist, Husband to Bears, the Mead King of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Duplicator of Posters.

For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

I was slammed with work and travel the last few weeks so it's possible I missed a more appropriate place for this, but I wanted to belatedly share an Adam West memory somewhere on this site (for his obit itself, my memories were too scattered and my feelings still a little too raw).

I can buy that—in the special features, you can really see how excited Keanu was to be there and how interested he was in the old-timey camera tricks, so I imagine Coppola eventually just stopped gently suggesting he spend more time with the dialect coach and let him hang around watching them set up all the forced

Any word on actors? If they don't cast well, it'll reflect poorly on them.

I got a little carried away at the library and threw my existing TBR list to the wind in favor of a bunch of books that happened to catch my eye that day. That led to a reread of Nicholas Meyer's The Canary Trainer, his Holmes pastiche that pits Sherlock against the Phantom of the Opera; Nick Jans' A Wolf Called Romeo,

I knew I should've taken a left at Tell el-Dab'a…