blackmoon eleven

It's just like in A New Hope when Luke derides the Falcon as "What a piece of junk!", but instead of ultimately finding out that "she might not look like much, but she's got it where it counts," this Batmobile actually is just a pile of scrap metal with guns attached.

30 minutes into BvS I adopted this very Psycho approach to rationalizing the experience—I started imagining that a serial killer had just murdered Batman, stolen his clothes, and gone on to kill again and again and again.

I don't have kids, but I do have a nephew and niece the same respective ages as Ignatiy's kids, and I only find myself enduring or occasionally curating their media consumption when babysitting or around the holidays or whatever. It's a decent gig, unclehood, where the umpteenth rewatch of Rio or the same 4 episodes

William Rehnquist started wearing gold stripes on the sleeves of his robes after seeing a production of Iolanthe where a character wore the same.

Great article! I am a vampire and

Yes, and I miss it so much.

Though it may be better to give than to receive, that's not how my holiday went vis-a -vis comics this year—nobody on my list wanted any!

Upvoted for both agreement and also use of the term "big mahoffs."

As these lists show and others have said, there were tons of great books this year, enough to initially discourage actually responding to your question with anything resembling coherence. But then I reflected that Yotsuba&! Volume 13 brought pure, unadulterated joy into my life like nothing else that came out this

Really, do you understand how sentences work?

Physician, heal thyself.

Try expanding beyond the monosyllabic.

Thanks for that hot take, bro. Call me when you find a dictionary.

Between the two of us, I'm apparently the one who knows what words mean, so… yes.

So exactly how much time do you spend imagining the sexual habits of "prime mates"?

Dude… If "Oppression isn't real until somebody dies" is the standard we're using here, things are even more fucked up than I thought.

A copy of Jack Staff Vol. 4, "Rocky Realities," has been on my LCS' discount shelf (any book for $5) for weeks now, and it's killing me. I have it already, but I want someone to get it and finish out such a great series.

The Twilight Zone presents "The Monsters Are Due on Sesame Street," where residents, fueled by paranoia and mistrust, learn the harrowing truth that Monster is the real monster.

Aw, say it ain't so, Steranko… It's a distressing, depressingly potent reminder of the duality of Man, of an individual's capacity for both good and evil, to think that Jim Steranko can simultaneously stand revealed as comics' racist uncle and yet also be the man who slapped Bob Kane in the face.

Best of luck out in the world, PG.