Thank you. Plus…..clever jokes.
Thank you. Plus…..clever jokes.
Seems to be working for Trump.
lovely nicknames. "Dead" on!
Next season - shirts and skins
I don't think it's subtle at all. He tells you what he's going to do, and does it. (just don't stand too near the iron fire). What I don't get is why the wives don't get together and give him the "Last House on the Left" trick during fellatio.
Very good point. They needed to spend much more time, in prep and on the show, staging an epic battle scene. No way it would top GOT's "Battle of the Bastards," but the staging was clunky - time was off between cuts - people in the middle of bullets flying everywhere giving each other meaningful glances - which is a…
Too busy looking for food to get playing cards to put into the spokes.
Neegan: "And my plan would've worked, too, if not for you meddlesome kids… and that TIGER!"
Um….Hamlet and King Lear seem to be beyond your understanding or patience.
NO ONE thought to shoot effin' Neegan after Sasha Walker jumped him?
Sasha's demise was GENUIS! We finally found out that she really WAS Rhonda from "New Girl." The casket thing was the ultimate prank!
Those are lovely. Let me add, "trash bags under the eyes"
Eugene ODs on pickles. Was that a spoiler?
Time-shift and stream on Monday, like we do. After the apocalypse, you won't be able to anymore.
The CENTRAL failure of the Neegan plot - a gaping hole that, filled, would destroy all subsequent plotting - is that he didn't place at least two "lieutenants" into each group that he regularly pillages. Even a "Shultz" type like Hogan's Heroes would make more sense than Rick and co running to each others' compounds…
Look for the "Zombie Apocalypse Pregnancy Diet" to appear on bookshelves and at your local CVS any day. Maggie is having the damndest hot-mom pregnancy in the history of television. Where is that baby hiding? (you can get a preggie-pad wardrobe to strap around her for less than half the cost of a terrible CGI deer).
Mine kicked the CGI deer's ass.
Yep. I found myself wishing for evidence of this when Abraham was alive. It would have deepened both characters, and increased the sense of loss.
Tip of my stovepipe Abe Lincoln vampire killer hat.
Frank Darabont is the big winner. Still collecting checks but not responsible for the collateral damage.