The Prisoner


Late to the party - just discovered and buried this show, but I just don't get the Duplass Brothers. Sensitive shouldn't mean kind of dull. Confused doesn't have to be listless. But most of all, moms shouldn't have to deliver a line like, "I know just the way to save the school" unless it's in an After School

Disagree that "Madeline’s use of the c-word seems designed to make us out-and-out dislike the character." I liked her more after she used it - it was honest, even if under her breath, and felt like something she didn't drop casually - just like in her earlier phone conversation when she cursed at the director). It's

May be my favorite episode of all.

Interesting. I'll have to see that scene again, but I thought it was just a new camera angle - not the Affair Rashomon gimmick.

As for the 10 seconds…..So much TV (Mad Men, Girls, certainly The Affair) seems to believe in a "Magic Penis" theory — that, once entered by a leading man, the woman is overcome by desire and instantly climaxes with her husband. Only prostitutes, it seems, are able to escape the orgasmic powers of the Magic Penis.

I think we don't yet have enough information to decide. Part of the "problem" is because Nicole Kidman's acting was so fluid and subtle that the second thing I thought after he began to overpower her was the very uncomfortable…."is this something that maybe they….enjoy?" Perfect couple on the outside with the

I thought I remembered hearing it in the episode, but it may have been in the coming attractions.

For those of us who hadn't read the book, the satire seems wanting.

I don't think it feels satirical. It seems like everyone, including the writers, are playing it straight. I was hoping for satire.

The bruises were chilling, and subtly acted - more painful in some ways than the rape/fight or whatever that was in the dressing closet.

Winner gets the home version of Cones of Dunshire

My point, too. Maybe it's too much dickishness that helicopter parents already have, mixed with California dickishness.

She said she retired to stay home with the kids, that was her sacrifice.

I thought it was pretty clear that the supposedly choked girl did like Zig, in the classroom scene.

His bully speech was great. Most of the time his characters don't get the opportunity to reveal what's boiling underneath — other than Cones of Dunshire.

Hmm…..too early to tell on this show, but not promising. Great actors all around - Adam Scott plumbing some depth here (the bullying speech was fantastic) and not relying on cute/coy anymore. Reese and all the women are as genuinely amazing as we expect them to be. Nicole Kidman's face work (which she needn't have

SPOILERS: Loved the novel. Not because it was well-written (actually a letdown after "Heartbreaking Work…"), but because the theme is huge. I was chilled all the way through (read it the week it came out), because it didn't matter that the tech, in some form, may have existed. It was because the tech was

I found it more chilling than fun. And its exaggerations (aside from the clear shark) are 100% possible with the collusion of just a little more technology and a little less belief in a need for privacy.

I'm extremely "yay" on the book. I don't think it's a well-written novel (lacking the nuance of "Heartbreaking Work….") but I believe it's an Important Novel. Maybe our 1984. Not 10 years too late to me, but better late than never. I was shaking reading the last third of the book, not because I cared too much for