See the spinning beachball! See the upload meter move from left to right!
See the spinning beachball! See the upload meter move from left to right!
Can we offset this with the public service of NO DVD at all of next year's Batman Superman sure-to-be fiasco?
Welllll……he has a point about indies today. Maybe it's the sheer numbers, but now that the equipment can so easily be in the hands of anyone, and everyone can make a movie, it still doesn't mean everyone should. We like to romanticize the indie filmmaker as a lone genius voice hoarsely shouting against the…
Banner hates the Hulk, but he also trusts Nat, as well as understands that Hulk is necessary at times. Anyone else out there really good at something and don't like doing it?
Really well stated! I agree. All the haters out there seem to be disenchanted with the idea that Natasha is complex enough to have pangs of "wanting to have it all" - especially since she's agreed to be barren to…….etc. The haters somehow don't think it grown up to want more out of life. They should leave their…
He was a teenager who stole everything, because, fast/invisible, and lived in his mom's basement. White trash family. Not much to get.
A mutant will reach through the porthole and drag him into Singer's new movie.
I actually gave up after he died, and then later, during the centerpiece monster battle, I kind of….well, I actually slept through everything except Godzilla vomiting fire down the jacks-looking monster's mouth.
sucked in Godzilla too. Also, shouldn't Pietro be THINNER? Because, running all the time?
DKR was only the worst superhero movie ever made (and that includes Roger Corman's FF!) until Man of Steel, then Spider-Man 2, all of which I vociferously and untiringly hate!
Plus, for someone so familiar, he was otherworldly in a very cool way. Was nice to have a character Thor could treat as a "peer" (via, the hammer). Plus, was WAY COOL when Vish looked to Thor, and immediately made himself a damn cool cape.
I really loved it, but something still felt… I commented way above. I'm attributing MOST of it to what Joss has been saying in his public post-Ultron breakdown — Disney just presented too damn many masters for him to service their movie roadmap, and for that he sacrificed making a movie that could stand on its…
Me too and it's not just the "Hello Goodbye" George Harrison costume!
I think you're thinking of Anakin and Padme…
Come on. You can't blame MCU for this. Even film historians cite Jaws and Star Wars as the ones that really set this whole process off, and that was (gulp) 40 years ago! And before that it was the "Planet of the Apes" series, or James Bond or…..pick your own villain. The reason TV is better now is because cable…
I hear you. No one said this shit 50 years ago when 50% of all movies were goddamn westerns!
Plus, have you noticed how LOUSY and DERIVATIVE art house flicks have become? All the haters touting "independent cinema" and all the independent cinema is really pretty bad, or at the least so sub-sub-sub-genre that it necessarily excludes most viewers.
This argument doesn't hold up when comparing "Captain America" to "Thor" to "Iron Man" to "Winter Soldier" to even the first "Avengers." They all play around with side-genres and each has it's own signature while still being part of the whole. Good luck to expect anything like this from the upcoming DC copycat…
Maybe that damn stupid KID in Iron Man 3 was actually Loki and erased all of Tony's progress? Nah, more likely he was a cloying, cynical need for Disney to induce their crap into a beloved series.