
I would say the same as you, having MBDTF as my favorite and Graduation as my least favorite, even though Graduation has my favorite Kanye song ever, "Flashing Lights", which was surprisingly not mentioned in the article.

Yeah, because a person can only have one favorite type of music based off of their screen name. Go fuck yourself.

I pretty much completely agree with you. That drove me up a freakin' wall, watching him spout off these racist, dirty jokes that I suppose were to show how detestable a human being this person has become, and I didn't mind that. What I did mind was that everyone who was there to hear him out just sits there and takes

I pretty much completely agree with you. That drove me up a freakin' wall, watching him spout off these racist, dirty jokes that I suppose were to show how detestable a human being this person has become, and I didn't mind that. What I did mind was that everyone who was there to hear him out just sits there and takes

Do people really hate the Lonely Island? I mean, not everything they do is great, but I don't think I've ever talked to a person that hasn't liked at least 3 of their Digital Shorts.

Do people really hate the Lonely Island? I mean, not everything they do is great, but I don't think I've ever talked to a person that hasn't liked at least 3 of their Digital Shorts.

But in all seriousness, where's our Michonne/Daryl spin-off?

But in all seriousness, where's our Michonne/Daryl spin-off?

And just when you thought Bobby Draper couldn't be any more replaceable, they go and do this.

And just when you thought Bobby Draper couldn't be any more replaceable, they go and do this.

Add in a period to the end of your incomplete sentence and I might take that advice.

Add in a period to the end of your incomplete sentence and I might take that advice.

I guess I'll just never understand the omission of Silence of the Lambs, American Beauty, or Shawshank Redemption in favor of THE BLAIR FUCKIN' WITCH PROJECT!?!?!?

I guess I'll just never understand the omission of Silence of the Lambs, American Beauty, or Shawshank Redemption in favor of THE BLAIR FUCKIN' WITCH PROJECT!?!?!?