The Oke Doke

Dr. Cox's reactions to men having slept with the woman he is currently seeing is back and forth, so on some level I agree with you, but also disagree. For example, later in the show Dr. Cox asks a room full of doctors and nurses "Who here has slept with my ex-wife and thanks to whoever taught her that reverse cowgirl

This is like Horsebot 3000 all over again.

Must have been hard, choosing from all 3 of them.

If I'm being honest, the show Terra Nova most reminded me of is "Falling Skies" with better acting. Story centered around a family in a post-apocalypse environment where not only are the creatures dangerous but the humans as well.

Friday Night Lights and Damages beg to differ, Holland Oates.

PossibleMisnomer: I just watched the episode and Britta actually said both. As in, "I got this. I'M IN THE ZONE!"

@billyverona re: reasons why zoey can't be the mom:

S1E1 - "Saracen! Quarterback's a captain!" and "You okay? Breathe. Slow down. Now I want you to try and read the coverage. Do you remember how to do that?" "Not so well, sir." "You look to see where the defense is, and you see where our guys are, you with me?" "Yes sir." "Then you throw the ball to our guys."

How did you see that!? It was on screen for like 3 seconds, maybe. Color me impressed.

That's your funniest name for boobs, yet.

Schrodinger's calendar
I lolled. Well played, Zach. Well played.

Just once I would like to see
a guy turn down Fi's advances with something to the effect of, "You have a nice body, but your face is a little weird."

These commercials are pretty entertaining. And Mustafa has taken to the internet pretty hard, doing a bunch of similar youtube videos that are pretty good, posting on social news sites like digg.com and reddit.com, as well as using twitter pretty effectively.

I know I'm in the minority here on the hipper-than-thou AV club, but I loved the first four seasons of Scrubs, when the story was interesting and the jokes were funny.

Lily is definitely the Reacher
This episode just cements in my mind that Lily is the Reacher in the Marshall-Lily relationship. She's a huge birthday brat, which is usually really annoying, but not only does Marshall take it in stride (putting a tiara on her head at exactly midnight), but he goes all out for her:

I was kind of surprised to see Natalie crying in Ted and Marshall's apartment, given the way Ted broke up with her the second time around (he told her that she wasn't The One in a restaurant, on her birthday. And then she proceeded to Krav Maga the shit out him). You'd figure after she kicked his ass, she would never

Jason Segel has just gotten fatter overall, not just in the facial region. Still love him though.

She looked stunning. She shed that baby weight pretty quickly.

I've been thinking the exact same thing. The hell that the Management guy promised would come to Michael's door never really materialized, which was a huge let down for this season. I was expecting Michael to be on the run more as ghosts of Christmas' pasts haunted his every turn.