Wolf Pants

Cypher Raige.

My favourite improbable-but-still-awesome name is Casimir Funk, who first formulated the concept of vitamins.

From now on I am going to refer to We Are Never Getting Back Together by the acronym WANGBaT, on all occasions when I talk about Taylor Swift, which is pretty much never.

True story: I resubbed to Netflix because I have a PS3 now and thus don't need to pay the Microsoft Gouge Fee to watch it, and so far it's been pretty much exclusively an Arrested Development delivery system, which I had never seen before.

I feel ridiculously pretentious for only ever really knowing this film by its Italian title, Profondo Rosso. I also only knew of Suspiria because there was a mediocre goth band with the same name (who, if I remember rightly, had an album called The Great and Secret Show, after the Clive Barker book).

I listened to Sea Change and Sigur Ros' ( ) basically nonstop around 2003, while also pretty much constantly crying.

Defective condom packages, was my first thought. I'm not sure why.

I like it as well, for obvious reasons.

Here in the UK, Forbrydelsen was an absolutely massive thing, and we don't get an awful lot of foreign-language shows on TV here. It doesn't look like it got a region 1 release, though; there was, apparently, a US remake which seems to have been not super great.

And because it only takes a minute or two to realise it's a Shyamalan film, you can change the channel that much faster.

I'm prepared to give it a chance, on the basis of this article, MovieBob's positive review, and perhaps most importantly, the DVD being like £3 now.

Or cutting off random people's genitals and sticking them to celebrities.

He’s following you.
About 30 feet back.
He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint.
He’s gaining on you.
Shia Labeouf


In fairness, I do have a goatee, so I was expecting this to happen eventually.

Being a gay guy myself, I have pretty much no tolerance for homophobic remarks by, well, anyone. A good example is Tyler the Creator: from wikipedia, "He has denied accusations of homophobia, stating, "I'm not homophobic. I just say faggot and use gay as an adjective to describe stupid shit," and, "I'm not homophobic.

The idea of hitting someone I love, or at least had loved, is so mind-bogglingly fucked up that I can't think of a circumstance where it'd even cross my mind. Even an ex of mine who was a complete asshole isn't someone I'd physically attack; I certainly don't wish him well in any sense, though.

I listened to this, 'cause Spotify told me it was out and everyone's been going on about it, and then I listened to a couple of their other albums for comparison.

Infinite Cumbernations?

I only got into The National fairly recently, but have listened to them a whole hell of a lot since doing so. Surprised to hear that High Violet isn't hugely well regarded; the expanded edition thereof is my favourite of their albums, and "You Were A Kindness" fitted perfectly for a time when things were difficult