
Pretty interesting analysis. I've always liked the idea of affecting radical change by "tearing it down from the inside." But I don't think Elliot and Tyrell are the same dude. I like what you did with Elliots name, btw. Red is also a color associated with maternity, peace, and calm, because of the time we spent in

On_2, you took the words right out of my mouth. Well said. Thank you.

Wasn't "Plainsong," the opening track on Disintegration, in a previous episode? Idk, maybe it was on another show.

I think it's more of a "United States of Tara" deal than a "Fight Club" deal. And it could go either way: Elliot could be an alternate personality of Mr. Robot, or vice versa.
I have a hard time believing it's as simple as ripping off Fight Club. (You know, where one can rid oneself of one's pesky splinter personality

I hate that "abuse" stereotype. Quick questions (not MR related, but relevant to this thread): Is it fairly universal that (straight) girls are into gay (male) porn? I've had this conversation with >20 ladies over the years and every single one of them was into it to some degree. Of course it's just as likely that my

I've seen a lot of commentary/reviews/analyses fawning over the accuracy of the technical and hacking aspects of "Mr. Robot," but none regarding the addiction aspects.
As an actual, real-life recovering opiate (morphine, dilaudid, oxy, roxy, percocet, and heroin) addict, I can personally attest that the withdrawal

Angela ate him…. in his brain!

Did anybody else catch the "Free Kevin (Mitnick)" split second screen shot?

God dammit I hate you. But good point. I could see that….

Two things:
A) I fell in love with Sunita Mani (Trenton) the first time I saw her. I never hacked her, but I did look her up on youtube. She's HILARIOUS!!!!! AND she can dance. She's the only reason I watch the "Turn Down the What" video 37 times a day,

Confession: I don't actually "get" the USA network, because I'm not actually going to "pay" Comcast MORE money while they continue to throttle my interwebs. (Youtube and p2p)
So I only just now saw this. "SpoilerTV" is kind of a misnomer, as it's just a preview of episode 7, but whatevs. Watch at your own risk

True! Nothing will ever top the first 5-6 minutes of the pilot. Especially McQuayle's score. I found the soundtrack online, but my favorite music is apparently his original stuff. The soundtrack is mostly hip hop. I prefer the more ethereal, ambient electronic stuff….

yes. yes you are.

Fortitude is a badassmotherfucker….
I started my second "The Killing" binge about 86 seconds ago….

Nice…. It doesn't come up very often, but I use "angus" instead of "anus" 100% of the time. As in, "If you don't stfu you're gonna get fu€%§d in the angus"
When I was in retail, one of my co-workers used to say stuff like "These damn sales on Horizon milk are killing my margarine!" (Instead of margin) He runs a Whole

Idk…. I found some Gilberto Hernandez Ortega stuff in my search but I thought the styles and pallettes didn't match. However, although the first name on the signature is hard to discern, it could be h'dez…. Maybe? Is that a thing? So maybe you're right :)

IMDB kinda released a "passive spoiler" weeks ago by indicating Frankie Shaw (Shayla) would only be in 5 episodes. So I knew not to get attached, but it still sucks. Ben Rappaport is only slated for 5 episodes too, so I doubt we'll see any more of him.

I thought the artist Alex McCown asked about might be Renzo Ortega, but after a second viewing, the first name on the painting obviously isn't Renzo. I'm not an art person, but I'm determined to figure this out.
My own "stray observations"
¤ Episode-long theme of Jungian archetypes: The Savage, The Nomad, The Brave