If Dan Harmon doesn't come back, we're DEFINITELY in the darkest timeline.
If Dan Harmon doesn't come back, we're DEFINITELY in the darkest timeline.
If Dan Harmon doesn't come back, we're DEFINITELY in the darkest timeline.
Incredible insights, thank you so much for sharing.
Too soon, man…
My god, I had a moment of this as well. Was hoping she would give Sally the slow wink after finding one on the medicine bottle….
I saw the sexual undercurrents only as Pauline trying to scare Sally away from wearing "short skirts" and just using it all as an excuse to influence her.
@IndependentGeorge:disqus I didn't even realize Pete raped the au pair, for some reason I just thought of it as something more like her being innocent and him taking that away from her.
I guess her crying a lot afterward should have clued me in, but I assumed that was a combo of a) feeling shamed and b) what happens…
Agreed; also the set design within her apartment was nice. Messy in a realistic way. I thought that scene was overall really well done and I was surprised there wasn't more about it in this review.
Am I the only one that got excited during the preview for next week when Sally is on the phone saying "I hate her"? I'm sensing some Glenn time comin' up!!
Are you saying you want a birthday hug?
I also want to see Peggy and Pete together again even just briefly if somehow he's not happy with Trudy (let's say, those guys on the train end up influencing him).
@avclub-b03b8d4bf8d4e3922a8c0b867e4f2ce0:disqus I believe the youngest girl he has hit on was Stephanie. Though still, that's nothing like how young the Stones girls seem to be…I'm pretty sure early high school is a long ways from college girls in Don's book.
I could have gotten you in The New Yorker or in the Encyclopedia Britannica if I wanted to.
I just rewatched this scene thinking of this. Thank you.
I had the same train of thought.. Don has become so tolerant of all these little things that at one point he would've gotten upset about. I'm glad they're showing that more subtly in this episode.
Wait what
I can see Lane veering towards making a pass at Joan, but I don't want it to happen quite yet. I love their current dynamic and I want to watch it play out some more.
But why does she look so old?? I wonder if it's weird for Ken when she turns into goo.