AVClub Commenter Number 37261

Blonde Redhead - Misery is a Butterfly. Although I can listen to the songs from this album individually, they are definitely lacking the power and emotion that a single play-through provides. When listened to as a whole, it is so beautiful as it crescendos and decrescendos and the alternation of male and female vocals

Thanks for the unnecessary ego boosts, fellow commenters. It took me many years to become comfortable in my own skin, I only wish I had commented ten years ago when I actually needed the compliments. Then again, with the self-esteem I had at 15, I doubt that anyone would have found me attractive. As for BDSM, I guess

For goodness sakes. I've been dealing with this whole "Eat A Cheeseburger, you look anorexic" bullshit my entire life. I've finally broke 100 lbs (i'm 103) and I'm 25. I should also mention that I eat constantly and not at all healthy. I have trouble shopping because of my size. I have been made fun of my entire life

Ugh. I have had Grace Cathedral Hill ruined for me, as well. I had been friends with this guy for a while, and we started dating out of the blue. It was odd, to be honest. I went to a show he was playing and he did a cover of Grace Cathedral Hill that was just beautiful. Later that night he told me that he had heard

Ok. I just drifted off to sleep for fifteen minutes while reading these comments and had the strangest and most vivid dream EVER!

I worked at an American Eagle one summer many years ago. It was right before school started back up and a bunch of obnoxious high schoolers were bombarding the store trying on clothes to put on mommy and daddy's credit card. Halfway through my shift, one of the other employees started screaming and gagging into their

I agree with Zeroes. I can't comprehend how any editor would allow someone with such an obvious bias to do these reviews. It's extremely grating to read this every week knowing that no matter what the writers do, regardless of what direction they go in, Mr. Heisler will not be happy with the outcome, and will write

If I didn't live in Florida and had never seen snow and known that being in Chicago for New Years would be utterly miserable I would've flown up for that Hum show. I knew about it early enough to buy tickets before they sold out. I'm still regretting that decision.

Be Your Own Pet and Blood Brothers are amazing, however, I have seen them both. I would see them both again and again, if possible, but I think that the point of this (at least what I am taking from it) would be bands you didn't get to see the first time around. In which case I am surprised no one has said

So, kinda off subject. My father was not present at my birth and my mother told me this when they were going through their divorce, which did it's job and made me inherently angry at my father. Many years later, when I was older and he realized my mother had already informed me of all of his past transgressions he

DUDES!!! Bad Brains are playing at the Harvest of Hope festival in St. Augustine, FL March 6-8. So is Propaghandi. Which is on my list, by the way, of bands I have been waiting to reunite.

I wasn't into The Matrix when it came out. Once it got huge and became a somewhat "lifestyle choice" for certain insane fans, I grew to hate it. Now I can't even see/hear anything about this god forsaken movie without wanting to kill people. No movie infuriates me more than The Matrix. Few things make me feel this