Enzo Matrix

Run them jewels first, run them run them jewels first.

Craig Ferguson is the ha-ha-ha and you should have CANCERAIDS for not watching The Late Late Show.

Gargoyles! Yay! The whole run of Reboot would be awesome if Mr. Sava was up for it, seeing as a significant portion of it did not air in the US.

Everything sucks and everyone should die.

I am late to the discussion on this one, and there are some terribly sad stories shared in this comments section. I am sorry those people had to endure such bullshit in their lives.

God damn it, USA, if you'd let us Canadians participate, Rob Ford's Crackers be on Crack, could be such a hit.

Same here. Maybe I am trapped in an alternate dimensions where only other 20 somethings can feel my Late Night pain. In that case, welcome to my humble dimension. Feel free to make yourself comfortable but do not touch my fucking TV.

Goddamn it, man! What does it take to get CBS to at least acknowledge Craig Ferguson? He is, in my humble opinion, fucking terrific late night host.

Actually, it's a multiplication you have to do to establish those odds. So, we are talking a 6% chance.


I totally agree. I meant that I had not heard of this.

Being from Montreal, I have to ask: ARE YOU FOR SERIOUS?

$24.99 for Canadians.

WHERE YOU BUYING THAT EXPENSIVE-ASS ICE CREAM? For that matter, where do they ice cream to frogs?

I hate movies about the web.

For anyone from Canada: YTV's golden age. Reboot!