
This is DS9.  All the main characters are pro-murder sometimes.  Except maybe Bashir. And Odo.

It seems like she's on a first-name basis with Dax, and later with the O'Briens and Odo, and with Ziyal cause she's sort of like her aunt or something, but for the most part everyone else only calls her Nerys if she's going through some kind of trauma.  Agreed that when Sisko uses it, it's a big deal.

I agree with those saying that because he was raised around solids, he's channeling his desire for companionship into the form that he's been taught to expect: that if he's a sort of humanoid male, he should seek a relationship with a humanoid female.

CONTINUED SPOILERS. I agree.  It may not be a really passionate affair, but I think he's exactly what she needs.  He loves her deeply, they're best friends, and he's proven that he would literally do anything to protect her. Plus, you know, the shapeshifting thing has got to be a bonus in bed.

SPOILERS Considering how his decision-making process turns out in "Children of Time," it's certainly a different direction. Or maybe not, as in that episode she mentions she just broke up with Shakaar.  Friend-zoned? Your life is worth < 1 Shakaar.  Oh wait, you're single? Your life is now worth > 8000 people.

The thing that I find weirdest about Kira and Shakaar is, didn't she join his resistance cell when she was 12? I know she's a grown woman, but I still think he's skeevy for hooking up with the 12-year-old girl who was under his command, I don't care how many years later.

I'd go with the variety over biological accuracy. And then there's that rain-sex thing they do, whatever that's about.

Seriously.  [SPOILERS] Then when he tells her he loves her, she's all, "I have to think about it." Get back in your bunk and think about it for 5 minutes, it should all become clear.

If anything, I think Odo's arc is about getting comfortable being less human — realizing that he doesn't have to conform his shape to the people around him and deny who he really is.  That journey definitely goes on weird tangents sometimes, but it eventually finds its way to being a touching story.

That opening scene where Odo is preparing the office for Kira's arrival is the most adorable thing ever. That whole scene is just so great.  It makes the rest of the episode even more painful.