
Pedantry? In the A.V. Club comments section? :-)

I'm no medical expert either, but I'll say this about William's injury: It was probably the shockwave from the blast that caused lung (and likely other organ) damage. I'd guess his lungs were slowly filling up with fluid until they ceased functioning. Everything in every show/movie is a dramatic contrivance, yes,

Two things bugged me about Trudy's (otherwise reasonable) side of the argument. First, I didn't like how much she, like her father, didn't seem to take seriously Pete's business endeavor. The whole, "when you lose a bet" statement seems to indicate that she thinks SCDP was the "folly" her father described at the

You will meet a punch to your face.

I think folks keep forgetting that the grading system here isn't based on some objective scale. It's based somewhat on expectations and to what extent the work failed-to-meet/met/exceeded those expectations.

unholy merger
Crews and Mustafa should combine forces.

@Bondfool: Ironukkah.

Geez la-cheese…
And I thought the copyright system in the US was hosed.

Melora Hardon?

Don't know where you heard that. It's pretty well understood that your mom was his first choice.

In my first place outside the dorms in college, me and the other dudes in the house collected all the grease and drippings from cooking in a large coffee can.

Douche douche douche douche douche.