The visual gag I laughed at most was Barney pulling up the antenna on his cell phone. Oh, the past, you so crazy!
The visual gag I laughed at most was Barney pulling up the antenna on his cell phone. Oh, the past, you so crazy!
Last week my boss was like, "don't you hate when you see an actor and you can't think of what else you've seen him in? that drives me crazy!" Then I said, "I solved that problem 15 years ago. That's what imdb is for." He said, "what the hell is imdb?" My boss apparently doesn't even have the internet, which to me…
"My shoes are filled with blood!" was my favorite line.
I never thought T-Dog was a Tyreese stand-in except maybe before the pilot had aired and I read the cast list. I think what happened was that Shane lived longer and thus filled the role of second alpha male that Tyreese originally filled after Shane died. Who was going to challenge Rick's authority once Shane was…
Obviously they've never been on a college road trip or tried to cross a border illegally.
I appreciated the nice bit of continuity when Rick and Hershel were hiding from the sweater zombie on the highway and then a minute later it was drawn back toward all the commotion of everyone else arriving. I was waiting and hoping that would happen and then BAM, Daryl takes him out. You're always the man, Daryl.
Plus Tyreese was a former NFL player. T-Dog looks like a former NFL hot dog vendor.
The only problem I had with Rick was when he said "there's the door" when they were outside. That's just silly
Oh how I wish I had known about this site when Heroes was on! That was a half season of greatness followed by three and a half seasons of, "I can't believe I'm still watching this and giving it the benefit of the doubt based on a half of one season being great!"
It seems to happen on every season of Survivor too, and every viewer screams, "why are they all deferring to him???"
I would add "greatest doctor/vet of all time" to Hershel's skill set.
I think T-Dog is scratching his butt in the background of the picture up top. Awesome!
But it was nice to have people seperated into groups and yelling "we have to go back" again, wasn't it?
Comic spoiler: The laundry situation is addressed in the prison!
I noticed that too. Yeah that was some good eye acting.
And didn't it seem like their only plan to defend the actual house was for Hershel to stand on the lawn shooting. Yeah, Daryl mentioned there were no secret Clue tunnels, but I don't know, maybe you could block the stairs or something? And they didn't even try locking the screen door like someone suggested last…
He's a zombie killer NOW? What happened to my innocent little boy who used to TALK ABOUT THE DEER?
That was hilarious! I shouted, "I'm T-Dog, not K-turn-Dog, damn it!"
Kind of a spoiler, but not really….
*****this WHOLE thread is a comic spoiler******