Dean Bitterman

I think it might have been Otis she ran into actually.  Out of all the comic characters, Otis was the most different in every way possible.

I can honestly say that for the last 4 weeks, I've enjoyed the show more than I had the week before.  And this is also my favorite show to comment on.  You are all gloriously sarcastic bastards and I love it.  If we get to do this again in the fall, I don't care how stupid the characters get.

I'd like to put my face in Maggie's *ahem* leadership

Rick is the third man!  It's some kind of new world order!

Even Carol herself admitted she was useless.  That was pretty funny.

@avclub-17a9e577ab7b749bfb086d5ce17c87d9:disqus Does he get extra points for landing it in the mailbox?

Yeah, like was he driving with the door open in a middle of an attack or something?  He was literally as safe as he could get when he was behind the wheel.

I think I speak for the entire AV Club when I say, "T-Dog Lives!!!!"  Here's to another season of love, laughs and layin' low.  #10 in the cast listing, # 1 in our hearts

I just woke up.  Is this where I go to talk about Annie's Boobs, Annie's cleavage and hot hot domesitcated Britta is?   Also, I giggled when Todd wrote "theoretically" about Malcolm's character.  That should have been "Theo-retically."

Dean Pelton is just too nice.  What is he doing about the rowdy members of Chugalug House?  Nothing!   Corey!!!

Not only did he get to talk, he was downright sassy!  Easy to see why he's the AV Club's favorite character

It has become a word the way 'funner' and 'funnest' have become words- sheer force of mass stupidity.  It's a stupid man's world.

I said to the TV, "Yeah, the bug eyes, right?"

Rick is really, really committed to his new plan from a couple of weeks ago of using guns only when absolutely necessary.

Especially given that Breaking Bad, on the same channel no less, once showed a kid shooting a man.

Rick questioned the direction they were going in and Shane said it didn't matter.  So they were walking back toward the house.

I bet you like Picard better than Kirk!

Agreed @avclub-b7784c8bc13cfa7214f249fef97abfe9:disqus .  Well done @avclub-e131fa896265671584c9b01cb0ed51cd:disqus .  I hope to come back tomorrow and see triple digit likes.

So a show that loyally plays by Romero's rules makes a big twist out of one of those rules.  Makes sense to me.

I wish I had some advice but I'm too tired.  What parent hasn't said that?  It was awesome.