Dean Bitterman

And appropriate since he stupidly left and was the reason Glenn was out there risking his life in the first place.  Lori leaving was of course stupid, but did we give Herschel a pass for doing the same thing?

Daryl was back in the fold and about to head out with the team until stupid Rick had to come back just in time to stop them from going!

I don't need a sense of community or story all the time.  I laughed a lot and that was good enough.

I remember the way he was written out was very awkward in the first place. The whole rest of the episode was Christmas (IIRC) with two thrown in scenes, filmed in the same location, of Leslie and Dave breaking up.  It always seemed to me like they needed a quick way to ditch Dave because it was Louie freaking CK and

When the black guy did the stomping, I said, YEAH T-BONE!  Then I remembered that his name was T-Dog.  Or is it T-Dawg?  Oh well.  Then I hoped they would find Tyreese when they went into town. 

I laughed quite a lot at the first season and the first act of the first episode of Season 2, but after that…nothing.  I loved the first season gag of seeing Todd in court with the charges being read as foreshadowing, but tonight's conclusion proved that the ride was better than the destination.  Seeing things all the

Since you were initially excited to hear about the show, then didn't like it, and now you do, I'd say 360 is correct.

When I was a kid, my dad went off his meds and had some manic episodes.  Pretty scary stuff to have someone you love suddenly and inexplicably shouting crazy bullshit at you.  Claire Danes' performance actually made me uncomfortable as I watched it.  It was an amazingly accurate portrayal and it made me jump from

Yeah, Tom was being a little bitch about it, but pinching your finger between 2 bowling balls really does hurt like hell.

As a bowler, it annoyed me that no one mentioned that hitting the pins after the ball goes in the gutter is still considered a zero.

Just saw her as a guest star on the last episode of Grey's Anatomy. And sadly, yes, I watch Grey's Anatomy. The price of being married

They lost to Channel Ocho?  What the hell is that?


My daughter was thoroughly unimpressed with the $50 prize.

How often are mistranslated propaganda or instructions more fun than the actual product?  Almost always.

I'm also interested to see how the next season will play out.  I've been saying for years that two tribes was getting too repetitive with the "us vs. them" mentality.  They should just throw 16 people in one place, no tribes and see what happens.  There will still be 2 tribes so it's not exactly how I wanted it, but

There's got to be a cheaper way to have Deb stand up to La Guerta than adding a new pointless character you have to pay to be on your show.

I watch this show because it's fun to pick out the plot holes and it's really fun to come here and see everyone else picking it apart.  I don't get mad at the show for being stupid.  I LOVE it for being stupid.  And I think everyone deep down must feel that way at least a little.  As Cochran said at the Survivor

I know the voiceover is supposed to be what Dexter is thinking but as the epitome of unnecessary narration, you can't top him walking into the crime scene and narrating, "Travis did this!"  We all know that already.

Deb learned her lesson about not going to bat for your friends and colleagues when Matthews went down, so she will be sure to help Dexter get out of this jam.  No, wait, that would come too close to the Matthews stuff having a point…