Dean Bitterman

Good thing they all waited around for Dexter to show up even though his boat had washed up and he was briefly missing and it might be understandable that he might need the day off but probably not.  And good thing Hanks left that hammer lying around.

Pointing out the plot holes in Dexter has become part of the fun, I think.  Anything goes after the ridiculous kill in the hotel room at the convention last year.

Actually, after Travis escaped, Quinn told Deb that they had set up a perimeter. LOL

I try to tell my wife to watch Breaking Bad, but she says it just sounds like a rip-off of Weeds.  Ugh!

But you have to set up that the dog is evil by focusing in on his shifty eyes.  Then people will start to suspect the dog.

Yeah, I liked when he deflatedly said, "jooooke" and hung his head in shame because even he wasn't buying it.

I did.  I liked that I could pay for a service and add/delete as many tracks as I wanted at any time.  I'm not against paying per track, but I'm pretty fickle and I don't want to have spent a dollar-whatever on a song I might be tired of in a couple of months.  Plus, that shit adds up.

I installed the software and authorized in every place I could find to authorize stuff- still didn't work.  I'll play around with it some more this weekend. Since I'm not the most tech-savvy guy, it's possible I missed how to do it.

I was still using the legal version of Napster until the other day when all the tracks I had transferred to my mp3 player suddenly stopped working.  Launching Napster redirected me to Rhapsody where they said my library was waiting for me.  It was, but it's all incompatible so what was the point of that?  I hope I get

I thought it was still weird but at least a different style of weird than earlier.  This is the only time I can remember ever being so distracted by an actor's haircut in my history of watching stuff.

I guess that makes it half okay!

I had no idea the show was available early; I always just went to the on-demand
channel and recorded the ones I hadn't seen yet. Perhaps that's another knock
against it since I'm a fan of the show and can't even be bothered to know when
it's on.

And I know AV Club isn't necessarily an accurate portrayal of what the nation is collectively watching, but I've been lurking for a few months here and this is the first show I watch where I can't waste an entire day reading the comments section

I think the fact that there are only twenty or so reasonable discussions here is pretty damning evidence that the show doesn't have even the hardcore audience it would need to justify bringing it back.  They pull Community for a hiatus and The AV Club melts.  Bored to Death airs its possible series finale and even the

I find the show quirky and charming and actually like it a lot.  While I thought last week's reveal was hilariously disturbing, this week's ending was just normal disturbing.  Jonathan is okay with his girlfriend being his sister because…she's hot?  smart?  It casts our hero in a light I don't even want to think about.

Then why did he start following me on Twitter?

Dale commented that Shane should use his (apparently awesome but never before mentioned) tracking skills to find Sophia.

Yeah, that's true about Carl's relationship with her, but if she's ever in a panel, it's usually the background.  Her being missing all this time is more story than she was ever given in print.  Also agree that the show is better when it strays, especially because I like to be surprised

But Sophia is still alive in the comic!  Now they'll never get to the part where…uh…oh yeah, Sophia never does anything.  Good call, show!

It also makes sense to kill the kids off since so little time passes from one episode to the next.  They're lucky Carl didn't sprout into manhood during the 3 day search for Sophia.  Better kill him too before we have another 'Tall Walt' situation