
Is he the one who knocks?

Is he the one who knocks?

What's a "Community"?

I did laugh at that scene, but I'd already seen it at least 5 times before it aired, since it was the ONLY good scene they had in store; that's why they used it to promote the show.
And I think that scene in particular was funny because of Liam Neeson's performance, and how far removed it is from the actor himself. It

I've already seen the show (the first season) a while back, and I've become more and more enraged with it. It's EXTREMELY BAD, and that's coming from someone who loved unconditionally The Office and Extras. 
I've been following Gervais' Twitter feed since September, and it's clear that this show is just a big, not very

it's called hype. Even people who didn't like her album and decided we should stop talking about her still do (AV Club, Pitchfork, everyone) as if a dark force is pushing them to do so.
I, for one, will no more…oh shit i did it again…

Steven Hyden, you give snark a bad name

Her Twitter feed is full of little gems:
"pulling grass out of the groud and randomly throwing it on the lap of the person next to you"
"Playing Inspirational Music While In Bed Looking At The Ceiling And IMAGINE Things…… If Only Life Was This Simple"

I've always felt a certain…Lack of Color between those two.

They are NOT kidding about googling "Bad Tits"

fugget 'bat it

That's the death of society in a way…
computerized covers sell more than groundbreaking musical genius