
She was an excellent hairdresser.

The Bangladeshi cigarettes without safety warnings were my favorite.

Megachurch Jesus thinks the poor would be more blessed if they just pulled a little harder on those bootstraps.

I feel like if we get to meet African-American Jesus, he'll have a rope mark around his neck instead of nail wounds in his hands.

Venus probably runs a porn site and affiliated online sex toy shop.

I really want to see Peppermint and Trinity do a team lip sync, because I feel like it would be SO FIERCE!

I watched her recap on YouTube and she talks about that: "You will never go wrong with Janet Jackson choreography"!

Reading is truly fundamental!

Points for "devil's avocado"

That's so true! I didn't want her to have to lip sync, but damn! She is such a joy when she does. You could see her seducing the judges; I'm pretty sure her leather daddy outfit gave her powers.

That's the thing: in addition to being unnecessarily nasty, it wasn't done well. You can hit hard, absolutely, but do it with sharpness and good execution. This was sloppy and mean. Fey failed to make her case, if she even knew what it was.

Same! @avclub-d4b71849c09966807daf9cfa2f17e43b:disqus I find your ideas intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

"Put Yourself First" is one of my favorite songs to come out of that show.

Seriously. You're a grown ass woman, and belittling young people who think your show has some racist moments is the hill you want to die on?

That would actually be a really compelling starting point—Rosaline has a vocation and a desire for a life outside of her family's intrigues. Her time as a postulant is cut short by the double suicide, as her father orders her home to take part in an arranged marriage. Someone who has a strong sense of their own

Lou Solverson! That would be so utterly perfect.

The burrito place near my house does a great shrimp taco with pico.

I'm so glad someone else recognized him from Fresh Meat—This guy always plays a poncey loser!

Vi Vacious: Drag is Ornacia!

I just rewatched "Outside Bones" and now my throat hurts from scream-laughing. Thank you—I needed that today!