
I think part of the problem is that Gloria doesn't really have anyone to bounce off of, unlike in past seasons: Molly had Gus and Lou, Lou had his wife and father-in-law, Gloria…shows up with Winnie sometimes?

Jewish mom guilt + Southern mom guilt is not a combination I would ever want to experience!

I would listen to Chris Obi read the phone book. He would make it sound majestic as fuck.

There was a deleted scene from the book where Shadow meets Jesus. A Jesus. White Jesus, I believe.

Plus, isn't she going to turn up in Lakeside?

Damn it, why is this not a stealth hit from the Hallmark Channel?!

Speaking of, I loved the moment when she's about to tell him about the heist, and he immediately says "Are we pregnant?" Happy-go-lucky Shadow was adorable. He'd be the cutest dad.

I now really want her to be the Final Girl in a witty, campy horror film.

This sort of thing was why I stopped living with other people. It drove me crazy!

Daveed Diggs is a fucking treasure, and while I've only seen the first four episodes, I can't wait to see what happens when Kimmy starts at Columbia and they reunite.

Yeah, if I have to be in this system at all, Martha all the way.

I think that the mark of a true intellectual (especially in drag) is that they're smart about when to be dumb. Sasha isn't quite there, which to me is a mark of immaturity in one's intellect. But i appreciate that she was able to make jokes in her own style and at her own expense in this episode.

At a certain point, if you're that hard done by with everyone you come across…it's probably you.

For me, it's a toss up: Shea nailed it in a tougher slot, but Peppermint's look was better. Under the circumstances, I'm not mad at it.

raises hand

That's a big one for me. True, you can only edit the material you're given, but they chose these challenges, and they chose poorly.

I think that comes back to her lack of confidence. She tries to present herself as older because she thinks it will endow her with the sense of self she lacks.

Also, "my makeup is more important right now".

And it's such a shame, because she should have been able to create a character for herself—the Broadway grande dame who suffers no fools: Old Hollywood dress with TONS of fur and diamonds, highly mannered voice dripping with disdain, and just filthy, filthy reads. It could have been brilliant!

I think the reading challenge was so short because so few of the reads were any good. Valentina was okay, but she had the most time which means she mostly managed to suck less than the competition.