
So glad I wasn't the only one who noticed the hair on the shopping cart wheel! But as for the apartment—I admittedly don't know much about Chicago, but the apartment looked so spacious, which surprised me. Even if we're assuming the Zorya and Czernobog snagged a rent-controlled apartment back in the 30s or something,

During the Bilquis scene, I did find myself pausing the show to see if it was the same penis that was on Laura's phone.

Man, if they could get Mads Mikkelsen onto this show…I could die happy.

If you can't look out for yourself, how are you going to look out for me?

Such an evocative moment!

I thought I saw a tree, like Yggdrasil, when he hangs for Wednesday's vigil

Well played, sir.

We know he's got charms and coin tricks—pulling that cheese out of seeming nowhere feels like it's within his wheelhouse.

A very important point.

I would like the entirety of that song available for purchase, please and thank you, Starz.

It honestly felt like the Blackest, most beautiful use of music—slightly off-kilter, tipping its hand to the future of Africans in America.

I agree; while I am loving what Jones is doing as Mr. Nancy, I pictured a thin old man who looks frail but is a damned sight more spry than he lets on.

The framing outside of Shadow's house was really excellent.

What really sold McShane for me (this episode, because I've been gunning for this since the promos) was him talking with relish about those Midwestern milkmaids with the blue-veined breasts "like a good cheese". And Shadow just looks at him, grinning at what a dirty old man he works for.


Seriously. Seeing his Mr. Nancy, I am pissed that they never brought out this Orlando Jones. Sharp-ass motherfucker makes me proud to be Black.

"SWIMMING LESSONS!" I about died at that line.

A few students going off every twenty years isn't necessarily something that would come together in a meaningful way for the police. You might have a couple of cops who think "You know, that reminds me of the such-and-such case when I was just starting out", but there's no reason to assume those threads would come

I mean, it took place over like, two days, so no.

Thank God it's not just me! I tried to get into Dr. Who multiple times over the years because I kept hearing such good things and I just couldn't; it felt too insufferably twee. Then I gave it a shot because I already liked Capaldi, and he was the only way I managed to get into the series, and even start to like some