
Or Sharon Needles' Michelle Visage.

We know it's a joke because she's smiling!

She's such a stellar performer, and it really came through in that song. She might not be good at impersonations, but she has the gift of commanding your attention.

That fit made me so angry. I get that Brooklyn queens in general don't go in for High Fish pretty-girl drag, but there's a difference between pretty and the bare fucking minimum. Aja couldn't even manage that because her damned dress didn't fit.

It's sooo good; I feel like that GIF of Michael Jackson eating popcorn in the "Thriller" music video.

Okay, that "GET A MOTHERFUCKING JOB" killed me.

That's because Chi Chi knew what was up, and these bitches should have, too.

Her MC Hammer dancing was my favorite part!

That's an excellent point about the narrative. I wasn't familiar with the whole Miss Universe uncrowning story, but as soon as I saw her, I knew exactly what was going on with her.

That struck me as an unfair critique. Valentina was funny—she understood the key was "Make Ru laugh" and she did that. Subtle it ain't, but you can't knock her efficacy.

Oh, hey there! I love your podcast (you mentioned it over on Jezebel), and I've been listening to all the back episodes. It's so good!

She has a miniseries on the BBC—it's called "The Chronicles of Nadiya", and she goes to Bangladesh to visit her family and discuss the food and culture of the country. There's a really sweet/heartbreaking scene where she bakes a cake for her cousin's engagement party (it's an arranged marriage), and she reveals that

If you are ever in America, let one of us know and we'll take you to Waffle House which, despite its name, also has amazing pancakes.

Those kiddos were Peak Squee; it was just too cute!

In the words of Ruby, "a peacocking man-child lingering where the money is, OH WHAT A SHOCKER"

Yeah, I'm pretty convinced Paul's a twat. That stupid hair, the general jerk-ness…it kind of amazes me that Mary actually chose him to be the other judge.

At home we have an Aga.

I've already binged them all.

That warmed the cockles of my cold and cynical heart. That feels like such a kind thing to do.

You gotta use cold water; hot just sets bloodstains.