
Was there ever an episode where Marnie worked at a strip club? Because it would make so much sense.

I loved the scene with Joan and her daughter, when the kids come to visit; she just cries with gratitude that her daughter loves her, and her daughter is so amazed that her mother has become the person who doesn't mind kids clambering over the furniture and getting marks on the floor—"What does it matter?"

As a fat chick with big hips, I definitely follow that advice.

That will always be my favorite line.

What about the Air Guitar Competition?

George's cheeks are the cutest and the best. SO adorable.

As someone who grew up in Baltimore, I've always had a somewhat uneasy attitude towards Johns Hopkins. Don't get me wrong—I appreciate the contributions made by the institution and its members to scientific knowledge, but it's always been pretty clear that JH holds the largely Black community that surrounds it with

No, you're not. Trinity's faux-Native shit was tacky. I get that drag is supposed to be irreverent, but it's punching down and wasn't making a larger editorial point, so there's no excuse in my mind. And you know Nina didn't fix that because she likes the attention of being a cryer.

That was such a shit reveal it isn't even worthy of the name! I would love to see her do Broadway for Snatch Game; she talks up her musical theatre background and that needs to come through.

Jesus God, what the fuck? I…almost wish I didn't know this.

I loved her line about how it was the first time anyone had told her she was wearing too much highlighter!

I was WAITING for that to come up and it didn't! I was so disappointed.

It's because her cucu is not actually that impressive. Kim Kardashian's ass is fake, but it's a well-made fake. Cynthia's is…lackluster.

I have no idea why she decided to wear that stupid unicorn onesie. This show is about being fierce and fabulous; showing up to work in your pajamas is neither (though it might have worked last week, because the runway was nightwear-themed).

THANK YOU BLACK JESUS!!! Bringing back the Pit Crew was such a good thing.

I just saw it today! I have to second your recommendation—it's a genuinely lovely film, and I have to say, watching it made me wish The Nancy Starling was a real film, because they made it look so good.

I first learned about the Armenian genocide from a book called Forgotten Fire; it's a YA novel about the Armenian genocide through the eyes of an 11-year-old boy. I was in 7th grade when I read it, and holy shit.

When I lived in Vienna, I had an Armenian friend and we'd sometimes go out to eat. I wanted to take him to my favorite (super-cheap!) kebab place, and when I mentioned it, had to find out whether or not the owner was Turkish, because this friend would not patronize any Turkish business. Ever. Lucky for me, 2-Euro

I still want a series of romantic comedies starring Oscar Isaac and Lupita Nyong'o.

I wholeheartedly agree.