
There's also a weird fad in some Asian countries like Thailand of using Nazi imagery, like a store having a Ronald McDonald / Hitler statue out front (to cite a real example).

The DKs did a new version of "California Uber Alles" a few years later called "We've Got a Bigger Problem Now" where they sing about Reagan.

Deep State Nine?

But Eugene never claimed to be a medical doctor. Killing your only healer because you have a guy who has a bunch of degrees but knows jack about medicine is not a wise move (and that's if Eugene even has those degrees).

Yeah, I find it odd that the AV Club isn't at least doing these discussion style things for Supernatural. It had a strong year last season, and this year's going pretty well too. I mean, they'll review not one but two WWE shows a week, but won't throw Supernatural fans a bone?

Those faces in the tree reminded me of the ending from the original, black & white version of Little Shop of Horrors.

Me too! This article really made me happy.

He's originally from Philly.

I love Devo, and punk and New Wave (or really any genre with "wave" in the name, like darkwave or cold wave), so I'm super stoked to hear about all this!

I call Satanists libertarians with black nail polish.

…which is what happened in '33, is my point.

Is that what Spencer did? I figure someone with beliefs that far out of the mainstream—and whatever you may think, Nazism is pretty far out of the mainstream—would be accustomed to listening to artists with whom he disagrees.

Not in 1933 the weren't. That's the year Hitler became Chancellor. In '22, when that NY Times article was published, Hitler was a joke.

Fake news!

Do you agree with the political views of every musician you listen to?

Don't say that or Metallica will be moved to do a collaboration! First Lou Reed, then Lady Gaga, then Depeche Mode. I can see it…but don't want to.

Spencer's musician fans are probably limited to Varg Vikernes, plus various WP musicians that few have heard of.

I've always hated "People Are People" (though I love DM). It's sounds so dumb and naive. Why should people get along so awfully? Because people are people! We thrive on conflict! The dude's question answers itself!

This happened with Person of Interest once last year. It took like 3 days before the review went up, and when it did, it was written by someone other than the usual critic. Weird.

Yeah, that's a good idea. I want to watch this and the new Trek but I an not paying a fee for CBS.